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Elven Pantheon

Elven creation myth revolves around specifically the Gods Heliod and Isha; the Sun and Moon, the first two. The myth goes that at the end of the Cataclysm that closed out the Epoch of Awakening, that Heliod and Isha approached Gond to help them craft a species in their likeness and the elves came into being in the Fey Wild. From there, their children explored the world that was, before starting to explore and colonize the Material Plane over the great sea. Elves, like humans, worship a pantheon of gods covering a wide range of profiles. Many, are in fact the same gods, but some are worshiped under different names and/or slightly different portfolios. Other gods simply are not acknowledged, or are not important to their way of life.

High Elves

The High Elves take the strictest approaches to worship of any of the elves; because they are most shaped by the effects of the past. In the Third Epoch, due in part to the Elven nature to experience extremes of emotions and desires; when the Kingdom was at its height it also experienced extreme social decay. As a stagnant society at its height, who wanted for nothing, it's people sought greater, and greater depths of depravity and experiences just to feel. This led eventually to what was the start of the collapse of their people. As a result, the High Elves developed two social systems known loosely as "The Path" and the "Cadai/Mirai Gods", which dictated which, and how the gods should be patronized.   The concept of Cadai vs. Mirai, can be loosely translated to Safe, and Not Safe. It dictates which Gods are considered safe to worship openly and often, because the risk of falling off the The Path towards chaos and mayhem is limited. The Cadai tend to represent productive and fundamental aspects of Elven society such as crafting and smithing, motherhood, farming or hunting; of which Heliod and Isha rest at the pinnacle. Whereas Mirai Gods, are considered to be dangerous. That's because behavior associated with their portfolios is considered risky to fall into bad behaviors. For example, Iroas, the God of War and Pride, should only worshiped by warriors before battle, asking him for strength and victory as they should. But, one must be weary of letting his influence sway them too much leading to murder or uncontrolled violence. The wounded or sick may pay respect to Ollandra in hopes of removing their pain or disease, but that can quickly turn to the desire to inflict upon others. Lolth, God of the Drow and the Underworld is considered off limits entirely and is actively persecuted.   "The Path", emphasizes moderation in worship, and not to dedicate oneself too much to any one deity. It is metaphorically spoken of like walking a tightrope. Everyone is walking a path in life, and anyone who dedicates themselves entirely towards a single god, is walking a particularly narrow one. A false move, a lapse in judgement or control of ones emotion, is to potentially let ones self fall into zealotry and mindless dogma of their god. For example, to fall from the Path of Iroas, is to embrace violence and pride fully, and may result in a murderous rage, or the slaying of innocents, rather than the even tempered employment of warfare. To walk The Path of one deity, is to become more than a mere priest, but become an Exarch or Archon of their chosen god. These individuals become a champion of their chosen deity, even Mirai ones. Being an Exarch/Archon evokes mixed feelings in those around them. While they generate awe and veneration from followers of their god; most of the public views them with a mixture of awe, trepidation, distance, and caution. They hold an authority born of their status within their respective religion and society writ large, but many view them as having taken their devotion too far, like a fanatic or zealot. The fear is that this could lead back to the old days which started the downfall of the elven empire. Exarchs and Archons, as per their status, dedication, and the Path, are excessively rare indeed, with normally no more than a handful existing per god. They also often adopt the role of Chief Priest or an equivalent with a religious site.   "Cadai" Gods:
Heliod - God of Light, Justice, the Sun and Summer
Selûne - Twin Goddess of Illusion, Moonlight, Night
Keranos - God of the Hunt, Woods, and Beasts
Ioun - God of Magic, Knowledge and Wisdom
Ghyran - Goddess of the Life, Growth and Spring
Kalandrios - God of the Seas, Winds and Storms
Andormu - God of Fate, Heavens, and Time
Gond - God of Earth, Metal, and Artisans
Mythrax - Goddess of Souls and Fates
Cegorach - God of Twilight, Deception, and Trickery
Pelor - God of Harvest, Autumn, and Fields
  "Mirai" Gods:
Iroas - God of Pride, Strength and War
Ollandra - Goddess of Affliction and Pain
Lothloras - Goddess of Wealth and Greed
Kal’Shari - God of Indulgence, Revelry and Mirth
Drakira - God of Nature's Wrath
Gorak'Tul - God of Necromancy and Dark Secrets
Shar - Twin Goddess of Night, Secrets, and Loss
Lolth - The Spider Queen

Wood Elves

The Wood Elves Pantheon can be visualized as a series of concentric circles, and directly in the middle rests Keranos and Ghyran, who they consider to be the Alpha and Omega of the woods. Forming the ring immediately around Keranos and Ghyran is Heliod, Selûne, Kalandrios and Drakira. The rest of the Gods then form the next ring around those four, representing "minor" gods; ones who may be invoked in specific circumstances, but are seldom followed outright in wood elven society. The exception is Lolth, who sits outside of the circle and beneath it, representing her position as the Evil God of the underworld. She is the patron god of the Drow, and worship or praise of her is actively dissuaded and hunted.   Center
Keranos - God of the Hunt, Woods, and Beasts
Ghyran - Goddess of Life, Beasts, Forests and Spring
  First Ring
Heliod - God of Light, Justice, Sun and Summer
Selûne - Twin Goddess of Illusion, Moonlight, Night
Ioun - God of Magic, Knowledge and the Arcane
Drakira - God of Nature's Wrath   Everyone Else

The Sol'Cari

The Elves of the Sol'Cari have largely ceased formally paying heed or worship to... any pantheon really. They feel abandoned by their own people, and the Gods they put faith in, so now they trust in themselves and the souls of their ancestors to guide them. That is not to say they ban praying to the gods outright, rather the state simply chooses not to endorse any gods, and so does not build large temples to any of them either. Despite this, worship of the High Elven pantheon remains common, as does some of the Human gods; but more recently the monotheistic Guiding Light from neighboring Lightforged Republic of Morencia, has grown popular for its message of redemption.
Artist rendition of Heliod God of the Sun
Artist Rendtion of Kalandrios, God of Storms, Seas, and Skies
Artist depiction of Kal'Shari; God of Indulgence, Revelry and Mirth
Artist Depiction Andormu - God of Fate


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