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Human Pantheon

These deities represent the major gods which are most common within Human dominated lands in Esseas. The distribution of those Gods changes dramatically by Kingdom, city, and geography. Gods such as Ulmo have far more popularity by the Sea that he does up in the mountains.   Azyr - God of Light, Justice, Order and Summer
Ishran - Goddess of Health, Atonement and Compassion
Iroas - God of Victory and Valor
Pelor - Goddess of the Harvest, Autumn, and Fields
Ghyran - Goddess of Life, Beasts, Forests and Spring
Gond - God of Earth, Metal, and Artisans
Ulmo - God of the Seas, Storms and Rain
Ioun - God of Magic, Knowledge and the Arcane
Ollandra - Goddess of Medicine, Affliction, Alchemy, and Aging
Fafnir - God of Winter, Winds, and the Hunt
Avandra - Goddess of Freedom, Travel, and Adventure
Waukeen - Goddess of Wealth and Trade
Cegorach - God of Shadows, Trickery, and Deceit
Kord - The Stormlord
  This collection of Good to Neutral gods are generally referred to as the Prime Pantheon. Worship of all these deities is dominant through the majority of human lands, specifically Tiriande, Charnault, Aranoc, and the Meridian Concord. In this states there is little to no enforcement of which Gods one should be following, and little sponsorship of a "state" deity. But, different Gods are more important to some. For example Gond and Ioun are by far the most important deities in Aranoc; while Cegorach and Pelor take on an outsized importance in Tiriande with The Game and large peasant populations. While people are largely free to worship who they see fit, patronage to deities of the Evil Deities remains actively, and violently suppressed.   Within the Ondari Dominion is practiced the Church of the Celestia Divinica, known more colloquially as the Divine Host. The Divine Host is the state approved and sponsored collection of ten Gods believed to represent all important areas of society.

The Celestia Divinica

The Celestia Divinica, or the Divine Host; was the Primary Pantheon for all of Humanity for more than 1500 years until the fall of the Zentherian Dynasty. The Zentherians spread rigid adherence to the Divine Host, and brought it with their exploration and invasions wherever they went. Today, the largest adherent to the Celestia Divinica remains the Ondari Dominion.

The Celestia Divinica, as it is today:
The Origins of the Deca Divinica lie far in the ancient past. Church records suggest that during the early 900s 5E, humanity was facing a grave threat from the Nine Hells in the form of an daemonic and devilish invasions from Kar'Sartheris, the Dreadlord and Arch-Devil of Fear. The king of the time Indorius Zenthir II, praying to the Gods for assistance, pledged forever the faith of his nation them if they should save his nation. Some Gods heard and answered, each in their own way. Champions of the more warlike gods appeared with legendary weapons, or all at once hundreds of injured and sick soldiers were healed, clouds formed and etheric lighting struck down at flying dreadbeasts, and the light of Azyr filled the emperor who led his armies to victory. Worship of all these deities had existed prior, but this was the first time humanity had coalesced these gods into a unified Pantheon.   When Emperor Belisarius Zether moved the kingdom away from the Divine Host, he caused a religious uprising that saw the various rebel groups supported by the Gods of the Divinica instead. After the fall, the Ondari dominion reinstated the Church of the Celestia Divinica, while other kingdoms like Tiriande and Aranoc chose instead to open up worship; but they continue to emphasize support for Gods which helped their people during that tumultuous time. The existence of other gods is of course tacitly acknowledged, and in some cases worship of those gods overlooked; unless they fall into the Majoris Maleifica, the collective name for the known Evil Gods; in which case they are fiercely extinguished.

Dogma and Members

• The Divines are with us at all times. Gond stands at every forge, Iroas is with you whenever blades are drawn, and Azyr smiles upon you when you stand with the light.

• The Divines shape the world. They offer us guidance and strength, but we must learn to listen.

• Honor every Divine in their place and time. If you hear one voice clearly, embrace their path.

• As a follower of the Celestia Divinica, you believe that the hand of the Divines can be seen in all things. What others take to be intuition or instinct, you see as the voice of the Divines offering guidance. You don’t need absolute proof; the fact of a bountiful harvest is evidence of Pelor’s benevolence.
  Members of the Celestia Divinica
Azyr - God of Light, Justice, Order and Summer
Ishran - Goddess of Health, Atonement and Compassion
Iroas - God of Victory and Valor
Ioun - God of Magic, Knowledge and the Arcane 
Ulmo - God of the Seas, Storms and Rain
Gond - God of Earth, Metal, and Artisans
Pelor - Goddess of the Harvest, Autumn, and Fields
Ghyran - Goddess of Life, Beasts, Forests and Spring
Ollandra - Goddess of Medicine, Affliction, Alchemy, and Aging
Fafnir - God of Winter, Winds, and the Hunt
  The pantheon of the Divine Host embodies all that is good in the world. The people of Esseas have followed the Divines in one way or another for thousands of years, and everyone knows the names of the Divines and the Maleifica off by heart. Even people who aren’t devout might still swear by the Divines or offer a prayer in a moment of crisis. The Divine Host is wondrously diverse. Variations and subsects of the faith thrive, and temples dedicated to specific deities are only loosely aligned and are able to conduct their worship as they see fit; but in the end they do submit to the authority of the Church. In a small community, a skilled smith might double as the priest because people believe he’s close to Gond. A midwife might symbolically speak for Ishran or Pelor.


The symbol of the Celestia Divinica is a Decagon (10 sides), with a 10 pointed star on the inside; called the Deca Divinica. The sides and points represents the 10 gods which up the Divine Host, as well pointing our was to those gods. . In the Dominion may either dedicated themselves to a specific deity, or the pantheon as a whole; the priests are known as Divine Priests. A Divine priest either carries a metal Deca holy symbol or holds a staff tipped with the icon, and are versed in the rituals and lore of all the gods. But, through study, they gain recognition of proficiency, replacing a slice of their star inside their Deca Divinica with one of the colour of the deity in question. You can see the most learned of the priests by who has replaced more slices with the colours of the gods.


Formal prayers to the Divines usually involve song, burning of incense, and other rituals. Specific songs invoke each Sovereign and seek their favor, appreciate the blessings received, and recognize the presence of a Divine. Celebrants sing the songs of Ishran and Azyr at weddings, and soldiers sing Iroas’s marching songs on the move and on the dawn before a battle.


Divine shrines arise where people feel the deities are close, such as a library for Ioun or a smithy for Gond. The rites of Ghyran or Fafnir typically occur in the wild, and a tavern could serve as a shrine to Avandra. The shrines can take any form, but they prominently display the symbol of the particular Sovereign. Full temples or shrine sites to individual deities are not uncommon, and can range from the grandiose to the simple and humble. Temples of the Divine Host as a whole are made of stone and always have ten alcoves, one for each god; the configuration varies, but a Decagon shaped building with ten doors is the most common; or a single chamber with five on each side and the Divine Host at the end. The walls and ceilings depict images of the Divines, with the icon of the Deca Divinica over the altar and engraved on the floor.
Depiction of Ghyran - Goddess of Life and Growth
Depiction of Ulmo - God of Seas and Storms  
Depiction of Gond - God of Artificers and Metal
Depiction of Cegorach - The Trickster God and his followers  
Depiction of Azyr - God of Light and Order
Depiction of Fafnir - God of Winter and the Hunt


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