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Cegorach - God of Shadows, Trickery, and Deceit

Cegorach, God of Shadows, Trickery and Deceit is known by many knows; the Laughing God, The Great Harlequin, the God of Many Masks, or the Trickster God; just to name a few. He is eccentric, fickle, and prone to whimsy and impulse; the Laughing God wanders Othlorias, seeking allies and followers who entertain him. Lending his powerful magics in the guise of divine boons and weaving a spreading myth surrounding his secretive purpose, Cegorach appears when least expected and leaves when least preferred. Able to play whatever role the situation calls for, Cegorach is a consummate actor and a master of disguises. His incisive wit and cunning enable him to read the desires of his marks, adjusting his approach to suit the moment. In his rare moments of candor, Cegorach is calm and calculating, in a way that belies the deadliness of his twin blades. Cegorach is believed to live in hidden palace in the seemingly endless maze within the Fey Wild. There, he's the patron of a mysterious set of Elves who never left he Feywild and heavily emulate his teachings.


Cegorach is a shadowy and mysterious figure. When appearing before mortals, he prefers the form of a willowy humanoid, clad in plain, but elegant long coat and a mask formed into a wicked laughing face, with only the subtlest hints of the vast array of colors worn beneath the robe. When appearing before his followers, he appears in bright multicoloured, checkered pants and shirt. his mask and hair are never the same twice, and even the colours of his clothes appear to subtly shift and change if stared at. He has also been known to appear in a variety of animal forms, including the shapes of asps, mockingbirds, or rats. Regardless of his shape, a mask forever conceals the blank face of the Laughing God. His emblem is that of a mask split into two halves, one black, one white.

Divine Relationships

It stands to reason that the god of secrets, deception, and lies isn’t close with the rest of the pantheon. This is not to say that Cegorach doesn’t have active relationships with others in the pantheon, but his position as the patron of lies doesn’t lead to close, lasting friendships. Of his closest relationships, are that of the Lunar Sisters, Selûne and Shar, with whom he shares a common bond with the night, and Lathander with a mutual respect for performance art. Azyr and Iroas despise Cegorach because they view his tactics as dishonorable and his trickery deserves no place in a society of order; this delights Cegorach to no end.

Commandments of Cegorach

  • Seek not to harm, but don't fear enjoying a laugh at the expense of another
  • Be one with the shadows, do not be seen
  • The honor-bound are rigid, the liar is flexible and lithe

Champions of Cegorach

Alignment: Usually chaotic, often neutral
Suggested Classes: Bard, cleric, monk, rogue, warlock
Suggested Cleric Domains: Trickery
Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, criminal, entertainer, sailor (pirate), urchin
Most champions of Cegorach are exemplars of deceit, theft, and trickery, often motivated by greed, desperation, or a good laugh.


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