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Kenku are a small, short lived avian species that is reviled and misunderstood by many. They grow to be around 3 feet tall, and have the appearance of a hunched over bird. Most appear similar in shape to that of a Raven or a crow, but others also appear impacted by their surroundings in terms of feather colours and beaks. Most Kenku tend to be black or brown in colour, with similarly black or brown beaks. They live to the age of 35, with 40 being considered very old; and mature by the age of nine.   Kenkus lived in close-knit gangs, family groups, or clans, commonly called "flocks". These flocks are distrusting of outsiders, even of other kenkus. They established aeries or nests, usually hidden and often near large cities or at least in civilized lands. Kenkus had their own language, but typically spoke Common. After hatching from their eggs, kenkus remained in their home-nests with their families. Once they reached adulthood at age nine, they left their nests forever. Unwilling to travel alone, most soon banded together with other young adult kenkus of similar habits for mutual protection and profit, forming new flocks. A few made their way on their own or formed partnerships with other creatures who needed their services. These kenku gangs made their homes in the cities, where they loitered in dark alleys or roamed the streets together. Thanks to their skills and habits and lack of scruples, they flourished in the criminal underbelly, hatching schemes to get rich and strong, and finding employment with the likes of the Bilgewater Cartel, or the Shadow Brokers. In the seedy underbelly of many cities, Kenku are often found in the company of other distrusted races, such as: Goblins, Hobgoblins, Tieflings, and even Elves.   Kenku history is largely unknown to outsiders, and is fairly rare within the Kenku race themselves. Many of the ruffian flocks that roam the land are indeed little better than thugs with little sense of purpose or direction. But this does not account for all Kenku. There are some who exist which are more educated. These rare flocks exist as participating, and in some cases respected members of the community, often as merchants, particularly book sellers or that of rare oddities. Among these people, they keep dreams and myth alive about their people, of glories gone passed, but perhaps one day revived if the memory can survive but long enough.


Legend has it that the Kenku were once a united race with Aarakokra as upright beings with the ability to fly, and that they once served a mysterious, powerful entity on another plane of existence. Some believe they were minions of a being called Grazz’t, while others say that they were scouts and explorers for the Wind Dukes of Aaqa. Whatever the truth, according to legend, the legends all suggest the Kenku betrayed their master. Unable to resist the lure of a beautiful sparkling treasure, the kenku plotted to steal from their master and escape with the treasure.   Unfortunately for the kenku, their master discovered their plan before they could enact it. Enraged, the entity imposed three dreadful curses upon them. First, the kenku’s beloved wings withered and fell away from their bodies, leaving them bound to the earth. Second, was to wither and twist their bodily form into a more grotesque shape. Finally, to ensure that the kenku could never divulge any secrets, their master took away their voices, forcing them to forever only mimic conversations of others. Once the entity was satisfied that they had been sufficiently punished, the kenku were set loose on the Material Plane. Since then, the kenku have wandered the world. They settle in places that accept them, usually bleak cities that have fallen on hard times and are overrun with crime.

Dreams of Flight

Above all else, kenku wish to regain their ability to fly. Every kenku is born with a desire to take to the air, and those who learn spellcasting do so in hope of mastering spells that will allow them to fly. Rumors of magic items such as flying carpets, brooms capable of flight, and similar objects provoke a great desire for the kenku to acquire the items for themselves. Despite their lack of wings, kenku love dwelling in towers and other tall structures. They seek out ruins that reach to the sky, though they lack the motivation and creativity to make repairs or fortify such places. Even so, their light weight and size allow them to dwell in rickety structures that would collapse beneath a human or an orc. Some thieves’ guilds use kenku as lookouts and messengers. The kenku dwell in the tallest buildings and towers the guild controls, allowing them to lurk in the highest levels and to keep watch on the city below.

Mimics Extraordinaire

Having been cursed, and unable to speak in their own voices, kenku can perfectly mimic any sound they hear, from a Halfling’s voice to the noise of rocks clattering down a hillside. However, kenku cannot create new sounds and can communicate only by using sounds they have heard. Most kenku use a combination of overheard phrases and sound effects to convey their ideas and thoughts. - for rules and stats.


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