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Storms Wake

Nomads of the Sea

The Storm's Wake is an informal organization of followers of Ulmo - God of the Seas, Storms and Rain who wander the water ways and coastal communities along the shores of the Sea of Ulmo and Bay of Tureon, from the Free Marches of Kargenras, to the The Charnault Kingdom and the Meridian Concord, helping where able. It is not one of arcane origin like the The Violet Eye, or the organized ranks of the The Ebon Wardens; but rather matches the nature of Ulmo, one that ebbs and flows with the tides. Their mission is to defend the secrets of Ulmo's seas, assist local communities, ships, tend to the faith of Ulmo's faithful, serve in temples and shrines; and protect the same from the dangers of the sea before continuing on their way to the next town, ship or person in need of assistance.

A solitary life

The majority of Wake members are largely hermits and nomads, seldom settling down in an area for more than a few months. The most common exception is when traveling with a mentee whom is being trained to join the organization. Members will also congregate when summoned to assist with a call for assistance that a threat is too great for one or two members to handle. Lastly, the members will gather en-mass to elect a new Tide Lord; the spiritual and political Leader of their organization.   Anyone can join the ranks of the Storm's Wake, no matter their political, racial or martial affiliations; only that they promise to assist and protected the servants of Ulmo wherever they may be. To become a member of the Wake, one needs to be sponsored by an existing member, and then ordained by a priest of Ulmo in a place sacred to the God of Water.


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