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The Ebon Wardens

Dressed in dark macabre colours, and armored in heavy plate, the Warriors of Mythrax bring true death to those blighted with the curse of undeath and restore the natural circle of life. The Ebon Wardens are one of several religious militant orders in the service of Mythrax, the God of Death. They're primary remit is two fold: first is the protection of sites which are holy and sacred to Mythrax, the second is to seek and destroy the forces of Undeath in whatever form they can be found. Many fail to understand that the God of Death is one of natural order; death is a natural part of life. Mythrax, along with with Ghyran , view Necromancy as a practice which breaks that natural order, and so the Ebon Wardens seek to ensure the natural order of death is followed. Of the many evils in the world, The God of Dark Magic and Necromancy, Gorak'Tul and his followers are seen as their arch enemy.

Stemming the Tide

The order operates freely throughout the lands where the Prime Pantheon are worshiped, but are most common in the Ondari Dominion, Kingdom of Tiriande, and the Charnault Kingdom, where the reek of undeath is felt most keely. They maintain several bastions within the Kybar's Teeth Mountains; such as: Light's End, Tyr's Hand, and Eiroch Station. From these stations they attempt to stem the tide of monstrosities coming through those mountain paths.

A thin dark line...

In part due to Mythrax being among the less popular deities, the order is small in comparison to those other more popular deities such as Ghyran, Ishran, Pelor, or Azyr. The Order accepts any and all races who wish to join, but those who do are most commonly those affected by the powers of undeath originating from over The Kybar's Teeth. Human, Dwarves, Dragonborn, Goliaths, Orcs, and Half-Orc are the most common within the ranks of Wardens, but all can be found.   As the darkness has continued to spread beyond the mountains, word of undead creatures have begun to emerge all over the lands, not just in the Mountains of the Kybar's Teeth. Faced with this new prospect that evils have slipped through their defences, the Ebon Wardens, already stretched thin from constant fighting, are forced now to fight a conflict against undeath on multiple fronts.


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