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Yahmi the Sworn Protector

Yahmi Kareem

"You do not have to follow me, but you will not get in my way. This palace will not fall, our Sultan will not fall and I will not let those savages break into these sacred halls, even if it kills me."
— Yahmi, at the Siege of Earsh
    Yahmi is the sometimes forgotten protector of Yusef Salam, Child Sultan of the Sultanate of Salam, swearing to prevent the uprising of the Regency Council, who seek to seize power.

Mental characteristics


When adpoted by the very late Aimra Salam the Ever-Lasting, Yahmi recieved a full palace education in the skills of strategy, diplomacy and how to handle the ever changing royal courts. This led to Yahmi becoming an incredibly proficient right-hand for the Sultans, serving as a bulwark between them and the ever impending threats and foes upon the horizon.


After being educated in the ways of the palace, Yahmi sought employment in the military, rapidly being raised up the ranks to lead his own small unit, assigned to hold a section of the Eastern Border. After a few years of succesfully defending their position and driving deep into Pohranician territory, Yahmi was promoted up to lead a small army, responsible for the famed Campaigns of Yahmi. The campaigns saw Yahmi occupy lands within the Pohranician mountains, territories that had only once before been occupied by Salamese forces, and succesfully hold them for almost a decade before being permanentally driven back to the Salamese border.   Eventually, for his accomplishments and skill, Yahmi was promoted to a position in the Sultan's guards, managing security responsible for determining the Sultan's very survival in the case of an attack or assassination. After a series of foiled assassinations and grand victories against rebels, Yahmi was promoted to General of the Sultan's Vanguard, which he has remained as ever since.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Over the years, Yahmi has been the leading commander in a variety of great victories and has arranged a variety of succesful political moves that has secured his place in the history of Salam. He has reshaped a variety of aspects for the Salamese military, advised and protected multiple Sultans, foiled a variety of assassination attempts and helped to slow the rapid freefall experienced by the Sultanate.   For all of this, he has become known as the Sworn Protector, hero of the Sultanate and dedicated to its preservation and perpetuation, fighting forever onwards for its survival.

Morality & Philosophy

Despite viewing the Sultan's as the rightful rulers of, specifically, the Salamese territories, Yahmi has a largely unpopular view that the Sultans are not religiously ordained leaders, challenging the Salamese Cult of Personality that had enforced itself as the status quo.

Personality Characteristics


"He's a bit naive, always getting himself into danger, but he's trustworthy. Not a lot of people like that nowadays, but my mother always knew how to choose them.
— Malakiun Salam, Speaking about Yahmi
    Because of his adoption and upbringing, Yahmi has a solidified sense of duty and loyalty to the Sultanate of Salam, believing that it is his responsibility to ensure that the Sultans are safe and prospering. This motivation is the driving force behind many of his actions, such as his dedication to rising the military ranks and for putting himself in harms way to guarantee that his leaders would not be the ones at risk.

Likes & Dislikes

Yahmi has expressed a deep liking of a variety of baked goods, attempting (albeit failing) to replicate many different Salamese desserts but ultimately resorting to supplying to patronage to various bakers and cooks to sustain a market that has begun to die with the recent economic downturns.   Yahmi has also shown himself to be deeply loathful of Yakdash, vile little creatures that infest buildings and settlements, and has on many occassions ran drives to exterminate large infestations of Yakdash as unpaid work.


Family Ties

"I understand your concerns, councillors, I really do, but to reject this child would be a failure of your duties. I care for him just like any of my other children, and you will do the same."
— Aimra Salam the Ever-Lasting, following the adoption of Yahmi
    Yahmi was at a young age adopted by the late Aimra Salam the Ever-Lasting, brought into the palace and treated as one of the royal children, despite being shunned by the courtiers and his adoptive siblings as being lesser, or not deserving of the respect the Salam name would grant him purely because of his lack of blood ties.

Religious Views

Yahmi has, for diplomatic reasons, maintained a neutral stance on religion, in stark contrast to his political views. He attempts to avoid every aligning himself with one religious organisation or another to achieve this goal, although sometimes it comes into conflict with his career.

Hobbies & Pets

When being promoted up the ranks of the Sultan's guards, Yahmi adopted a small puppy, named Biscuit, who serves as his faithful partner during his service to the Sultans.


Yahmi the Sworn Protector

Owner (Important)

Towards Biscuit the Floof


Biscuit the Floof

Squishy Floof (Important)

Towards Yahmi the Sworn Protector


Neutral Good
Current Status
Protecting the Palace from Siege
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
9th of May, 1896
Year of Birth
1896 BC 48 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
short, straight, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned brown
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Yahmi has mastered Salamese as a first language and, through his education and experiences, learnt Verloren to assist his efforts to defend the Sultan against Verloren rebels.

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