Kemet in The World of Velen | World Anvil


The Nilotic Kingdom

Since the Nile is one of the world's most fertile rivers, this region has been settled by farming people for a long time. For most of this time, the farmers, small in scale, were unable to defend themselves from the invading nomadic raiders from the west. Nonetheless, on the eastern side of the river, they found themselves much safer, and it was here that a great civilization, spanning thousands of years, was born.  


The nation of Kemet is ruled by the Pharaoh, this great monarch has absolute authority and is both the governmental leader, as well as the spiritual one. However, one cannot rule a nation alone, and the Pharaoh will point governors to different cities to aid in the administration of the realm. These governors will always be chosen from the Kemetan noble families, these families control much of the farmland, and therefore also much of the money, and many of them even have the ability to raise their own armies.   Keeping these noble families is a full-time job, and it is what occupies much of the pharaoh's time. Their happiness is important for his rule, as unhappy nobles lead to rebellion, and rebellion usually ends with a dead pharaoh and also the deaths of the pharaoh's entire bloodline, then they are replaced by a new royal dynasty, who will be much more careful in pleasing the nobles.   National unity is also one of the reasons it is important to have happy nobles since they are often attacked and raided by either the Libyan tribes in the west or the Nubian kingdoms in the south.  


The Territory of Kemet spans much of the lower Nile, with their biggest power base being in the river delta, the most fertile part of their nation. However, The Pharaohs of Kemet have also been able to extend their influence to the Kufran River, although this river is even more susceptible to Libyan raids, they have on occasion also been able to extend their power into the Levant, especially the region of Judea, although this is often disputed, and many wars have been fought over the area.  

Military Tradition

Kemet has had a long history of being attacked by nomads, and therefore, they have not only had to develop strong defenses, but also a well-trained, and well-armed military. Due to the flat landscape they live in, they have decided to fight fire with fire, and invest heavily in their cavalry, which allows they to counteract the nomadic horsemen. They have also built large walls around their cities, and they have established many forts in strategic positions.  


The Nilotic people are a zealous lot, they have to be, for without Deiwos gracing their lands with rain, their river won't grow, and their lands would be barren and empty. The Pharaoh is the religious head of this nation, and he decides what Deiwos does and doesn't want. He is aided by priests, who help spread the pharaohs word about what Deiwos wants to the people.


Kemet has very strict rules and regulations when it come to magic, only nobles are allowed to freely practice magic, and those in the military, but no average citizen, or visitor from other nations are to practice magic within the borders of Kemet.  

Recent History

The nation of Kemet, once great and powerful, had been clashing over control of the levant with the Hittite kingdom for many years, but in recent years, these lands have been invaded by an aggressive Assyrian kingdom, which rose from the ashes of Babylon, and now, the Pharaoh is approached by his archnemesis, the king of the Hittites, to ally against the Assyrians.


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