Lawbringer Character in The World of Wildemyst | World Anvil
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Judicara, the Lawbringer, is the god of civilization and laws. He is commonly worshiped by leaders and government officials who instill order through his word and teachings.   Contents



In the book, The Passage of Law, the Lawbringer is depicted as a hooded, armored man sitting atop a throne between two pillars, each of them with inscriptions carved into them. Resting firmly in his hand is a stone tablet containing the principles of law and order. His face is often obscured or expressionless, with a long white beard reaching down to his waist. Alongside Barythos, the Platinum Dragon, he is described as one of the most dutiful and just of all the Prime Deities.  


Being a god of true lawful neutrality, the Lawbringer acts solely through a strict code that maintains order and stability throughout the universe. If a civilization must fall in order to maintain balance in the cosmos, then so be it. With that being said, the Lawbringer is slightly motivated towards maintaining the various societies of mortals. It is believed that the voice of Judicara is one that speaks volumes while being devoid of emotion at the same time, speaking in short, clear sentences. Beyond a select few of his most devout followers, few know much about the personality of the Lawbringer.  

Commandments of the Lawbringer

Commandments of the Lawbringer
  • The chain keeping society together, is only as strong as its weakest link.
  • Uphold the principles of order, and bring justice to those who shroud it in chaos.
  • Trust in the law, and those who speak for its actions.


Birth of Civilization

During the Age of Birth, it was the Lawbringer who worked together with the other Prime Deities to create life in their image, offering stability, laws, and order to the otherwise young races who roamed the world of Rhan. Through the tenets written in his book, the Passage of Law, civilization was born, beginning with the elves and dwarves. While these races primarily worshiped their divine creators, it was the word of the Lawbringer that was spoken whenever the law was enacted.  

Order and Chaos

The Lawbringer remains the polar opposite of the Fallen God Delirioth, the Chaos Lord, whose goal is to shroud the universe in absolute chaos. Between the two, a constant fight for the balance of order and chaos keeps the universe and its fundamental laws in constant motion. As such, the Lawbringer harbors no strong emotions toward evil or good, viewing both as forces in the universe used by mortals and gods alike to justify their actions. However, in the end, whether they do it in the name of order or chaos is what ultimately determines their values.   Judicara inhabits the plane of existence known as Mechma Drome, which is a realm of absolute order made up of islands of gears and pipes that all work in unison to maintain balance in the universe. From the Clockwork Citadel, the Lawbringer commands his legions of modrons, immortal constructs that adhere to the principles of law and order above all else.  
"In the sacred codification of law, inscribed within these pages, the immutable doctrine of equilibrium is revered as paramount. It is therein proclaimed that the scales of justice shall ever be upheld by Judicara's faithful. The pursuit of order, the guiding principle of enlightened societies, and transgressions against the harmonious order shall invoke the unwavering hand of judgment. Through the Lawbringer's code, we, the keepers of law, safeguard the delicate threads of order and ensure that for all eternity, his word guides our civilization."
— The Passage of Law, Chapter 1, § 1

The Rhanic Empire

The Lawbringer is a prominent figure throughout the empire, often viewed as the god of legitimacy as well as law and order. Within the empire, special law enforcers known as Arbiters enact the will of the Lawbringer when criminals fail to attend court and receive proper judgment or have committed such heinous crimes that, through the will of the Lawbringer, they must be immediately executed to prevent further tragedy. To some, the actions and range of jurisdiction the Arbiters possess are viewed as tyrannical, but most people see them as a necessity in a world filled with monsters hiding in plain sight.  

Places of worship and holy sites


The Lawbringer brought the fundamental structure of society to the races of Wildemyst when they began settling it, and have since then served as the foundation for law and order.  
  • Chantry of the Divine: The largest temple in the Rhanic Empire, located in Evergrace. The temple is dedicated to all the Prime Deities.
  • House of Law: A House of Law, more commonly referred to as a courthouse, is home to judges who act in the name of the Lawbringer.


Cassia Dumile

While the race of hobgoblins rarely worship the Prime Deities, there are those who find admiration and purpose in some of the teachings they can offer. Cassia is one such hobgoblin who grew up among her own kind, but was taught the values and principales of the Lawbringer. Through the values of the Lawbringer, Cassia enacts his will in the persuit of helping others.
Symbol of Judicara, by Midjourney

Deity Information

Type: Prime Deity
  • The Lawbringer
  Common symbol: A balanced scale of gold on a blue crest
  Gender: Male
  Alignment: Lawful Neutral (LN)
  Home Plane: Mechma Drome
  Realm: Clockwork Citadel


Worshipers: Judges, rulers, government officials
  Holy Day: Day of Judgement (31st of Hearths End)
  Major Temples:
  • Chantry of the Divne
  • House of Law
  Associated domains:
  • Knowledge
  • Order


Art of the Passage of Law


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