
The Blood Marshes

Khallador is largely one very big wetland with thick, tall reddish grass painting the landscape the color of blood, not quite that red, but that's what it has been named. The marshes are interrupted by large rivers and lakes. The lands closer to the mountains are in a higher elevation and has much less lakes, the thick grasses make way for shorter, kinder variants of red grass, this is the more farmable land, so here is where the majority of the Khallans live.  


Khallador is a tribal kingdom, where chiefs rule villages, and the largest village is ruled by the king, who commands this title, because he has the largest amount of fighting men. The King collects taxes from the chiefs, who pay up begrudgingly, but the king needs this money because the Yenoees come to collect tribute on a yearly basis, something the king often decides he doesn't want to do anymore, but unfortunately for him, the yenoees army is much bigger than his, this hasn't stopped him from trying to get rid of them away tho.  


The khallans live in a place where farming can only get you so far, the land is not particularly fertile, and what you can grow, grows slowly, and isn't enough to keep you filled, so they live for a large part from what they can hunt, fortunately, the marshes are teeming with life, unfortunately, that life includes alligators and hippos. there are also a large amount of fish and birds and their eggs tho, which are a much easier target. the real meat comes from hunting alligators though, a thing that makes the Khallan men some of the sturdiest in the world.
Tributary of Yeno Impirium
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Neighboring Nations


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