
The Sands of the East

Yeno is an empire of city-states based around the yaneon desert. the desert is largely flat and sandy, with rocky hills spread throughout. this made it like a sea in between cities. all the large cities are in or on the slopes of mountains, where rain flows down the sides, making it reasonably habitable. trade between these cities has allowed them to form a unified government over many years, they were even able to project their power outside their desert to the smaller and less populated Aneira and khellador , who are currently tributaries of Yeno. This is also because they have a much larger population than is normal for a desert, this is possible due to their highly efficient irrigation canals, food preservation techniques, and trade with each other. They have also since colonized regions of a more moist climate, where they are able to produce a surplus of food.  


They are ruled by the head of their imperial dynasty, who resides in the largest city and biggest trade hub, Lyentoriik, in the eastern mountains. The Emperor appoints viceroys to rule the other cities for him, these appointments are usually for life, unless the one appointed does a poor job of it, falling out of favor with the emperor. viceroys are usually lesser members of influential noble houses. the more important members of those kinds of families often own large businesses for example as land owners or as warg breeders or several things at a time, so having one of their own appointed as viceroy is more a prestigious position, which they don't really feel the need to do themselves. The emperor rules by decree, which means that when something needs to happen, he calls his council and his advisors, and then he makes a decision, which is then written as a decree, which is copied and made public. decrees are permanent, but the older they are the less important they are, and the newer ones always take precedence over the older ones. sometimes decrees are repealed, which requires a decree itself, and then these decrees are both stripped from the lawbooks.  


There are different kinds of decrees, some have to do with laws, or actions that have to be taken by the lower parts of the imperial government, sometimes they are really just statements, these decrees are all sorted neatly by date and type in the grand book of laws, which is held, studied, and tended to by the Imperial law, a group of individuals responsible for keeping the law understood by all citizens and officials. judges will always be educated by the keepers of the law, and the exams are very thorough and strict. The judges are the only ones allowed to pass judgment on criminals, viceroys are for administration only, and guards are really just for apprehending offenders. Simple matters may be handled by more modest government figures, or if someone just confesses, but for more serious matters, a judge is required, and an individual also always has the right to demand to be heard by a judge, even if it's a smaller matter.  


The Yenoees Military largely consists of warg riders, who use short bows and curved blades. they also have small amounts of spear infantry, these are used as guards, and aren't really a military force, although they are called in to help secure victories, especially during sieges and sackings, because riding a warg inside of a city isn't very convenient, therefore all guardsmen are also trained for war. There are no horses to the east of the mountains, so there is no yenoees cavalry.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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