Magical Ellements First Stage

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A mage's life and journey are dictated by their inborn element, their talent. It will decide how they have to use their magic and what kind of mage they will become. All elements are different and are used differently; they all have benefits and drawbacks that the mage will have to learn to deal with and utilize optimally in their journey to become a master, and then a grandmaster of the magical arts.   First stage Elements  


Rarity: Common
The element of fluidity is flexible and diverse. Any mage with this element is sure to become popular, as the rule over water not only allows them to water crops easily, but it is also one of the few elements with healing properties. While being great for peaceful spells, water also has great offensive potential; after all, it hardens with velocity, and it can grind even steel given enough force and time. Its greatest weaknesses are its low defensive capacity and reliance on real water to be able to cast spells, making it very hard to do anything in deserts, for example.  


Rarity: Common
This is a partial Conjuration  type.
This is the element of sturdiness, toughness, and strength, very diverse for the skilled and imaginative. It can be used to manipulate existing matter and reshape or reform it, turn rocks to dust, turn sand into bricks, make cannonballs from rubble—whatever you can think of. It can also be used to conjure phantom matter, matter that vanishes when the spell is complete. This might be weaker than using real matter, but it is much easier and less draining. Its strength is in defense, but its weakness is in speed. Moving matter can be slow, especially for beginners, and even for the most skilled earth mages, there are always faster elements, meaning they have to use their time much more efficiently.  


Rarity: Uncommon
Fire is the element of destruction but also of life. Fire mages have the ability to summon flame in many forms and shapes out of thin air. Their fire is different from normal fire in the way that it uses a mage's magical energy as a fuel source instead of oxygen and flammable matter. It can easily set things on fire, though. This makes them very dangerous, also to themselves. Fire requires great control and restraint, but when mastered, it is one of the more powerful elements in regard to offensive strength. Fire also has modest healing capabilities, but they are not as strong as those of water. Its strength is in raw power, while its weakness lies in defense. While it is possible to use a firewall, this is still not as strong as some of the other Elements.  


Rarity: Uncommon
The Element of Motion and Change. Air mages have the ability to push air, which has many applications, such as fast glider flight, easy sailing against the wind, and many other things. Air, when fast enough, can cut. It can push great galleons across the ocean and tear great trees out of the ground, root and all. But it is not Power that causes such destruction, it is speed. Its greatest weaknesses are defense and a lack of raw power, but its strengths are speed and adaptability, its ability to change direction, to keep going effortlessly much longer than any other element. This Element is easy to learn but one of the hardest to become really good at.  


Rarity: Rare
This is a partial Conjuration  type.
This is the element of visibility and brightness. Light mages have a unique element, some would think to be unfit for combat. The control of light allows for the changing of what things appear to look like; it can be used to deceive and trick others, but it can also be used to blind and be formed into the physical. Light mages are able to create and shape objects, similar to earth mages, although the light is temporary. This allows for the creation of conjured tools, weapons, and armor, making what seems like an element for tricksters into a gear kit for warriors, a most diverse kit that can be made into any tool or weapon imaginable, although making a shape never made before can take time and practice. Light mages are both capable of creating light and manipulating existing light. They can heat things with concentrated light beams, use light to send messages over long distances by using Morse code, and a great many other things. The weakness of light lies in its high energy cost and often being very complicated for beginning mages. While light itself is very quick, spells are often so complicated that it can be quite slow, making it much weaker for man-to-man combat and quick defense. But its strength is in its durability, versatility, its deceptive capabilities.  


Rarity: Rare
This is a partial Conjuration  type.
This is the element of shadow; in some ways, it is the opposite of light, but in other ways, it is very similar. Dark mages have the same tool-conjuring capabilities as light mages, something both of them are happy to keep a well-guarded secret, but their other abilities are quite different. Dark mages are capable of using the dark to their advantage, hiding in it, manipulating it, and banishing light in order to confuse and disorient the enemy. They are the lords of the shadow, being able to move from shadow to shadow, making them one of the few mages capable of easy teleportation. The dark can absorb incoming spells by use of magical energy, making them very powerful for personal defense. Their weakness is a lack of offense, but they more than make up for it in their defense and ability to incapacitate their enemies' ability to fight them. This is especially powerful against non-magical opponents, since other mages will have ways around their deception.   Next: Magical Ellements Second Stage


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