
The Marn

A forested highland plateau, with steep cliffs bordering the sea to the west, and rough rocky densely forested hills to the east, they have never been easy to reach for outsiders, and trade has never been able to reach them easily, due to no navigable rivers running through or out of the Marn. Their forest provides many sources of food tho, and the plateau is covered in fertile farmland. Their geography has always protected them from invaders, which is also why they are currently the only one of Westingham's three smaller neighbours not paying them any tribute.  


They are governed by an Archduke, who rules the proud Marnen aristocracy, the nation is an absolute monarchy, and the only one of the Yavinian nations to have male preference primogeniture rather than male-only primogeniture. there are also the high lords, who are the archduke's bannermen, there are five high lords, who together make up the archduke's council.  


Their military largely consists of light infantry equipped with swords, shields, and archers. They also have elite Halbert squads in heavy armour, who make up the army's elite units.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations


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