
The Woodland Realm

Enyanin, the wood-elven homeland, consists of five main regions. The first is the grand Enyanian forest. this is a vast and dense tropical forest, with many different types of trees and animals living in it, it also a one very large river going through it, and exiting into the White Sea. The Second is the dark forest, which is a section of the previously mentioned forest that is much more rugged, hilly, and difficult to traverse, not to mention dangerous. The third is the Enyanian section of the marnwood, this is a more temperate and less rainy forest that covers a band of land in the north of the country. Then you have the Enyanian plain, which is a modestly sized plain in the northeast of Enyanin, this used to include the southern parts of Westingham, but they are now part of Westingham. Lastly, there is the isle of Llianmye, to the east of Enyanin, it is a very mountainous island, and it has little to no strategic benefit, especially because it's crawling with vampires, but the Enyanian military likes to use it to train, and therefore its Enyanian, and it also helps to control the exit of the local sea ways, and straits, giving them more control over maritime matters and trade.  


The Enyanian monarchy is a cognatic primogeniture, which means the eldest child will inherit regardless of gender. And because princes have a tendency to die in battle, there have been a lot of queens. Or as the elves call it, the Ethyn, which is the even word for a king/queen, it is not a gendered term, because the elves have always had cognatic succession laws. The Enyanian population isn't very spread out, mostly sticking to a few of the biggest cities and several of these cities are on the same river, meaning the nation is very easy to rule directly. All the cities on the Main river are ruled as one, the other cities, have representatives of the crown acting as local rulers, these are called sitters because they sit for the government. other than that, there are administrative bodies, but their purpose is merely to execute the will of the Ethyn.  


Their military primarily consists of light archers, with heavy bows and long blades with a slight curve, which suit them the best, due to their country's dense forestation and uneven terrain. They also possess a respectable navy. All the army and navy is raised and controlled by the Ethyn.
Neighboring Nations


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