
The West

They call themselves the Westerners, despite being roughly in the centre of the map, mostly because their archnemesis the Yenoees, are in the east. Westingham is based around the Yavin River, and the Yavinian plain, which are the core of their civilization, the river connects their lands like an artery connects the heart to the brain, which is why their capital, Erding Yeavin, is smack dab in de middle of the country where to major branches of this river meet.  


They are a true feudal monarchy. The king rules the dukes, the dukes rule the counts, and the counts rule the people, sort of. There are several provinces which are ruled by a duke. The duke rules over the people in this province, and the various cities are ruled by a lord, named the count. The king is also a duke, of his own duchy, and he is also the count of Erding Yeavin, which is the capital. all the dukes are his vassals, and pay him taxes, the counts in the duchies are their vassals, and pay taxes to the duke, etc. There is also one Marquisiate, ruled by a marquis, with is just a fancy term for a different type of duke. Everyone has to follow the kings laws, and the various lords are responsible for doing this, although they all have their own little way of doing this, as well as having their own little interpretations of what the king's law is exactly.  


The counts all raise their own city guards, and the dukes all raise their own armies, in order to keep the peace. The king controls the royal army, to which all the dukes have to provide men. During times of war, the king calls his dukes to war, who will raise levies from their counts, who will provide part of their city garrison, which is large enough to be able to handle half their number being sent to war.   Most of this Millitary will be spear infantry, but there is always also a large heavy and light cavalry unit in the western army, since they are a plain people who love horses, and horses are very useful on the flat terrain of the yavinian plain.  


The King of Westigham is powerful and wealthy enough to demand tribute from two of its smaller neighbors, which are Rendia, and Isich. and in return the king defends their sovereignty from their other less friendly neighbors. however, they are not vassals and do not have to support the king of westingham in his wars.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations


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