
The Rend

The Rend is a rugged hilly patch of land with small rivers snaking through the landscape, and frequent storms bashing the hillsides. There are occasional patches of forest, in the spaces in the valleys around rivers and lakes. The Rend doesn't make great farmland, but it is great for herding animals, and for building defensive structures, and therefore this is a nation of wool-wearing, meat-eating, fortress-building hardmen.


The Rend calls itself a kingdom, and there is a king of Rendia, but he isn't much of a king. the king holds the only duchy here for himself, and the rest of his lands are ruled by counts. who rule cities and surrounding lands. villages are taxed independently by the king's tax collectors.
They are a tributary state of Westingham
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations


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