
The Northern Lands

The pact of union binds them together, and despite their differences and many internal wars and conflicts, they have stayed together, unified despite the rest of the world. Their frozen lands may be low in farmland, or in huntable game, but the tough and gruff Northmen have made a living here since the beginning of time, and they don't think that there is a need for this to change now.  


The twelve tribes and their elders rule this realm, in times of trouble, they elect a king from among their chieftains, who will lead the Dendorian tribes until the need for a king has come to an end. A king might be chosen because they are at war, or because of any other major issue that concerns Dendor as a whole. It is also because of this that Dendor has no official capital.  


They have few major cities since their lands do not really encourage large-scale settlements. Even the largest of their settlements would be considered large villages anywhere else in the world, even tho they might contain banks taverns, bars, markets, a town hall, and many other things one would expect in a city. They simply don't hold more than a few hundred or maybe a few thousand people. There are even universities in some of these large villages.
Geopolitical, State
Government System
Power Structure
Neighboring Nations


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