
Dear Reader: Welcome to Thearis.

Herein you will find stories of a fantasy variety, spanning the high seas, the city, the wilds, the Fey Pale and the Astral Vail and the Worlds Beyond. So far, so standard High Fantasy, right? Walk with me a moment: You may be surprised by the kind of story we tell here.

Unepic Fantasy

I don't aim to tell an epic story; I aim to tell a true one.
These are stories of loves and losses, romance and break ups, lies and truths, loyalty and betrayal, long days at work, and friendships that get us through the hard times. For me, that means low plot, high character, with a healthy dash of fantasy-world slice of life.
Don't worry, there will be intrigue and swashbuckling and monster fighting, but don't expect every episode to be a new step on the epic quest to save the world. Read more about Unepic Fantasy here!

Snack-Sized Stories

I don't aim to write a 600pg epic; I aim to write a story.
My stories will be posted in 'snack-sized' chunks that most people could read in less than thirty minutes. Word count and estimated read time will be posted at the top of each story.
Read more about my Snack-Sized story approach here!
Also, I don't believe these stories should have a cost associated with them: That's why I'm posting them here. If you like my work and would like to donate to my crippling caffeine addiction or feed starving artists in my house, you can read on Kindle, through Kindle Vella, or you can donate to me directly through Ko-Fi.

Things that Matter

I don't aim to write perfect heroes; I aim to write real people.
Real people get sick. Real people have family problems. Real people have depression, and axiety, and have to deal with trauma. Real people have friends outside of work, and they eat, and they drink, and they go on vacations (if they can afford it), and they visit parks, and play games, and have fun. I want to write about family and community and love in a fantasy setting. Will there be epic elements? Yes. Will there be some heavy themes? Yes. Will you meet characters you hate? I hope so. Will you meet characters you love? Walk with me a while and I'm sure you'll find someone you see yourself in.

If you enjoy what you see, leave me a like or a comment! If you have ideas for stories in my world, post about it! If the muse strikes me, I may write it! If you want to write fanfic, go for it! Post it on AO3 and I'll read it and tell you what I love! Everything is fanfic when you think about it long enough. Finally, if you believe in my work and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi.   I have big plans for this site, but it's still in its infant stages. If you'd like a sneak peak at what's in progress, head over to my World Diary. If you're curious about something, you can leave me a comment or tweet at me on Twitter. I can't wait to see where this adventure will take us.
Thank you for joining me!


Where to next?