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Born to the Bloodstone tribe in Ceim Ceo - The Misty Steps, he was brought into the world fighting; childbirth is a difficult thing. Constantly warring with the clan chief all the way through adolescance, usually regarding tactics, or a distinct lack of them from the Bloodstone. He eventually challenged Chief Urkoz to a trial by combat, as was the Orc way, might is right and the strongest rule. Urkoz was his better in every physical aspect and yet, Kormire gained victory. Feigning an injury to his leg, he suckered Urkoz into a reckless coup-de-grace. Over-extended and vulnerable, the last thing Urkoz saw was Kormire, leering up at him, his broken blade in the chief's chest.   Having won the day, and siezed the title of chief, Kormire stood, bathed in Urkoz's blood and glared at the other orcs in attendance. He held out the blood-soaked broken blade, dropped it into the dirt, gathered his cloak and walked off into the mists. leaving the Bloodstone without a chief, a leader to keep them in line. Leaving them to their never-ending conflicts and early graves. He would be something more, something grander... A King.   To an enterprising individual, Zir is a place of bountiful opportunity, even more so if your ethics are...questionable. But new starts are seldom the thing of the legends of old, destitute and emaciated, unused to the unrelenting heat of this new land, Kormire was in dire straights. His days were numbered, prostrated in one of the back alleys of a shanty town, it was here that Kormire's story really begins. A hand outstretched, garbed in fingerless linens, lifted the orc to his feet. His vision blurred from hunger, he barely registered the strangers face, but his voice... his voice stayed with him.   "You dere! Ye remind me of a bear, one who should rip and tear. And yet, ye waste away, come, let this merchant ellevate ye. Make y'more than what ye were. The gift of magic is what I purvay, to let ye bring miscreants, under yer sway."   And with that, a deal made, vitality filled the tired, orc's bones. A purple flame appearing in his hand, illuminating the darkness around him. Purpose gained, strength restored. Kormire joined the Nurian Key, after a 'chance' meeting with Mercer Clay, proving capable and devious with his nuance for deals and his ability to always retain the upperhand in negotiations, he quickly ascended the ranks and was granted 'Keeper' status, granting him his own town to operate from, his own people to lead. People not lacking in cunning, people who use their strength tactfully and with a measured calm.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

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