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Dekarios Vandiir

Prince Dekarios Vandiir

Dekarios is a complex man, embodying the shades of gray that define his moral compass. He is charismatic and charming, often drawing people to him with his magnetic presence. However, he can also be brooding and intense, haunted by the weight of his responsibilities and the expectations of his lineage. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and family but struggles with the burden of leadership and the sacrifices it demands. He is driven by a deep sense of justice and honor, but his moral compass often wavers in the face of war and chaos. Dekarios is introspective, often contemplating the weight of his decisions and their impact on his people. He can be charming and persuasive, yet he hides a darker side that emerges when faced with betrayal or conflict. His loyalty to friends and family is unwavering, but he struggles with trust, which leads him to isolate himself at times.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean and muscular in good physical health and condition. Tall and well proportioned, strong arms and well defined shoulders and musculature. Very fit and healthy, in peak magical and combative training.

Facial Features

Piercing deep green eyes with almost cat like pupils. Defined cheekbones, and jawline. Well kept goatee spanning his chin. Medium lips and attractive straight nose. Defined brow and full eyebrows.

Identifying Characteristics

Vivid deep green eyes. The veins in his face, already showing light green due to his complexion glow slightly whenever he uses his magical abilities, and due to the power being used his eyes will glow as well. Wears green warpaint in battle on his temples, cheeks and almost the corners of his mouth, and four dots over his right eyebrow.

Special abilities

Prodigy of elven magic and has one ability in this magic unique to him. Mastery of elven magic, natural elements and healing. Unique ability to call of spirits of nature for wisdom and help in battle Skilled in ancient combat techniques passed down through his lineage, dual weilding longswords and using swords as magical foci. Superhuman reflexes and agility of his elven heritage making him a formidable opponent in battle. Proficient in languages which help in the diplomatic sense of getting true allies Foresight ability. Occasionally experiences cisions of possible futures and outcomes, though often cryptic.

Specialized Equipment

Twin enchanted elven longswords he uses martially and for his magical casting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dekarios grew up in the opulent halls of Zoscia, a kingdom steeped in ancient magic and tradition, the son of the reigning king. From a young age, he was groomed for leadership, trained in both the arts of war and diplomacy. He grew up amidst peace but was thrust into chaos when a neighboring realm declared war, seeking to exploit Zoscia’s resources. However, a tragic event during his adolescence—when his younger sister was almost slain in battle—left him feeling useless and burdened with guilt. This event sparked his morally gray outlook, as he began to question the righteousness of their wars against encroaching darkness. It also ignited a fire within him to protect his people at all costs. In the renewed war with orcs He has since wandered the realms, seeking alliances and preparing for the inevitable conflict which claims his father’s life and shattered him. Along the way, he has forged deep friendships and faced heartbreaking sacrifices, shaping him into the morally gray hero he is today. His journey is one of self-discovery, grappling with the legacy of his family while carving his own path.

Gender Identity

Dekarios is a cis male. He understands that the body can present one way, and not every person living inside the skin will match the outward presentation. He has no qualms with these two spirited people, and cares for them regardless of their identity. He is however, born male, and identifies as such.


Dekarios is a heterosexual male. He will flirt and banter with anyone he finds intellectually interesting or fun, especially if they are friends, but will stradfastly warn any man he is engaging that it is fun flirting and banter, nothing more. He believes if you can't act gay with your friends you are not really comfortable or friends.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to stop the war of the Orcs before it came to his country. Blames himself for not preventing the war sooner Regrets the loss of his people in the border villages attacked in the immediate invasion by the orcs Doesn't understand why the council he has served on doesn't trust him to lead like they trust his father Is embarrassed by the general lack of faith in his ability to do what needs to be done by his elders.

Mental Trauma

Survivors guilt in a way, because of not being there to keep his little sister out of the danger that almost claimed her life. Anxiety over taking the throne and being a good king in his own right PTSD and depression due to the war and conflict. And the eventual loss of his father during the plot.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly intelligent and empathetic Tactical way of thinking Overthinks and contemplates everything

Morality & Philosophy

Morally gray and chaotic neutral. Though he is a good natured man and by no means is unempathetic to people as a general rule, he cares, but to a point. If he has to break rules to get something important done he will do it.


Killing women, innocents, and children as a general rule.

Personality Characteristics


Wants a true fellowship that doesn't see him only for the prince he is. Allies he can actively rely on in life and in dealing with the rest of the world. Dekarios wants to be his own man, come into his own instead of his families shadow, and be a man his wise ancestors and himself can be proud of. He wants to change the world into the best version of itself he imagines when he thinks on the subject, not the old bones left over from past glory and peace. He wants to protect his people, his family and their way of life and rich culture. He wants to learn from the past, not reinact it as the present crumbles while the people dream of glory days.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Often doubts his own worthiness as a leader. Struggles with trust, often finding it hard to open up to others. His morally gray compass can lead to risky decisions, particularly when faced with difficult choices. He carries the burden of being haunted by his past, leading to self-doubt

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Enjoys the taste of wild berries and honeyed bread. Prefers herbal teas infused with elven herbs for clarity and focus. Loves the serene Glimmering Glades, a sacred forest within Zoscia where he finds solace.

Virtues & Personality perks

Exceptional combat skills, in swordplay and magic. Understanding of diploacy and politics, able to navigate complex social dynamics. Skilled in negotiation and conflict resolution, able to deal with political intrigue Natural charimsa that inspires loyalty and friendship among his allies. Highly intelligent with a tactical mind

Vices & Personality flaws

Has a tendency to isolate himself, believing he must carry his burdens alone. Can be overly idealistic His strong sense of duty can sometimes lead to him making sacrifices that are unneccesarily personal.

Personality Quirks

Often found talking to himself when deep in thought, due to his solitary tendencies growing up Has a habit of collecting rare stones and crystals Enjoys speaking to trees, feeling a deep connection to the natural world He tends to twirl a ring on his finger when anxious or contemplative


Always put together and not offensively dirty. Is by no means afraid of being unclean if he has to do some work.



Has been helping his father, and learning the ways of ruling since he was a preteen. Began going to court and council meetings to shadow and learn from his father for a time, and after learning and watching silently he began to be included in these meetings, became part of the voices that helped decide things for the realm, his opinion and knowledge were tested and asked for as a way for him to exercise these skills without his decision being the final one. But has had an official seat on the council for a while and holds it presently. With Dekarios on the council the lives of all in his realm began to improve, and the relationships with their countries neighbors began to strenghten and gain momentum also. Morale for the armies, nobles, and commonfolk were hopeful. Is an accomplished duel weilder and promising tactician, perferring two identical longswords to not only use martially, but act as his staves and foci for his magic.

Family Ties

King Thalion Vandiir- Father Queen Osissa Vandiir- Mother

Social Aptitude

Charismatic Ambivert. Is trained in royal etiquette though he tries not to be so formal unless necessary. Has an ego like any other man but does not let it rule him or fill his head with lies, is not egotistical.


He clenches his jaw when frustrated or getting angry or wound up. Brow furrows when confused or deep in thought. He tilts his head to the right when curious or trying to get a read on someone, or listening closely. Narrows his eyes when he is being lied to, and makes direct eye contact as he does. He clenches or rubs the back of his neck and shoulder when stressed or upset. Rakes his hands roughly through his hair and out of his eyes when angry. He always speaks dilliberately.

Hobbies & Pets

Reading Writing Riding Sailing Is known to carry a tune Can play simple instruments Has a passion for the animals that inhabit the waters and lands of his home


He has a measured commanding tone of voice, resonate and husky in pitch, his accent is slightly oceanic, as is his dialect to words in common.


Dekarios Vandiir

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Sylas Merakas



Sylas Merakas

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Dekarios Vandiir



Dekarios Vandiir

Son (Important)

Towards Osissa Vandiir



Osissa Vandiir

Mother (Vital)

Towards Dekarios Vandiir



Dekarios Vandiir

Son (Vital)

Towards Thalion Vandiir



Thalion Vandiir

Father (Vital)

Towards Dekarios Vandiir



Wealth & Financial state

Noble class, royal bloodline.
Current Status
On a quest to defeat the orcs, save his people and country, and forge actual lasting alliances and relationships with the other countries around him
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Zoscia Heir to the Throne Firstborn son
Date of Birth
The 6th day of the Month of Leaves, Year of the Silver Moon
Circumstances of Birth
Being the firstborn heir of a king and queen is good at any face value. They loved their son, first of two children, but didnt treat him as any more important than his sibling. His birth was unexpected, but not unwelcome.
Current Residence
Expressive, piercing deep green
Medium length black curly hair that is parted down the middle and frames his face. Short goatee
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If it is I who must do the unthinkable, well, then that's how it will be."   “I stand at the crossroads of duty and desire, and yet my heart whispers for peace amidst the clamor of war.”   “Do not mistake my hesitation for weakness; it is the weight of my choices that holds me back.”   “A prince may carry the weight of a crown, but it is the heart that bears the burden of leadership.”   "We are not defined by the battles we win, but by the lives we touch in our struggle for peace."   "True power is not in wielding a sword but in choosing when to lay it down."   "We stand on the brink of darkness, yet together, we can forge a path to dawn. Will you stand with me?"   "You see the man I strive to be, not the shadow of my past. For that I am eternally grateful."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, Common, Infernal. Elvish is his mother tongue and he is fluent in common and infernal, he can understand the language of the dragonborn but can not speak it, he gets every other word and uses context clues to fill in the blanks.
Character Prototype
Classical/epic hero of the story.

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