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Sylas Merakas

Sylas Merakas (a.k.a. Dusk)

Sylas Merakas
He is the loyal best friend of the elven prince Dekarios. At first their meeting and relationship was tense, as Dekarios had called across the continent for allies to become part of a team that the prince would lead as a united force agaist the Orcs and thier designs of warmongering and taking over as much as the once peaceful lands as they could. This team would be able to be the first line of boots on the ground and could do much more in a shorter amount of time than a large scale army marching across the land. While destruction and death at the hands of brutal orcs was a threat to everyone Sylas was above all this cautious and thinking of the bigger picture. Having been a leader of his own families guild for so long left Sylas a little wary of putting his trust and loyalty in someone who he had only corresponded with through letters. Especially when Sylas knew next to nothing about the man who would be his leader. He didn't want to throw in his lot with someone who would not make the right decisons or was otherwise unequipped to handle such a large and precarious mission. But as it turns out throughout this mission and soon after meeting and spending time working with one another Sylas found he was a near perfect compliment to Dekarios. Sylas's nature was cunning cautious and serious, his way of thinking and personality traits worked well with Dekarios's own. They soon became fast friends and eachothers confidant. Sylas always brought a serious eye to whatever Dekariosu needed help with. Sylas kept the princes perception open to all possiblities, keeping him on his toes and thinking about things from all manner of angles so he could make the best informed decisions possible in the moment. His deadpan humor also brought much needed levity and laughter to not only Dekarios but the rest of their team. When all needed to relax and not think about doom and gloom around the campfire Sylas is always there to say the least expected thing to get a chuckle out of you, giving a moment of pause and decompression before serious matters and tactical decisions were returned to. His loyalty is slow to earn, a smile even more so. And respect is proven by actions. This is how Sylas is. Once he deems you his ally, the whole force of his will, and mind are at your disposal. He will keep you sharp, on task, safe, and will defend you to the last if you have earned his loyalty, all you need is to ask. He is a fantastic friend to have on and off the battlefield, for his cunning mind and quick blades.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sylas has an athletic build, he is broad shouldered, and his body is very proportionate weight to height wise. His muscles are defined but not starkly so, just enough to show he has physically trained and kept healthy.

Body Features

Horns at either corner of his forehead, light gray in hue, pointed ears with two silver hoops adorning each ear at the lobe and point. Slightly pointed fingernails, not quite claws.

Facial Features

Sylas has a small infernal symbol tattooed on his right cheekbone near the outer corner of his eye. Nice angular full lips, sharp attractive jawline, Full angular eyebrows, well defined cheekbones, has a widows peak at the center of his hairline, defined nose. Clean shaven

Identifying Characteristics

Blue demonic tiefling eyes, the blue appears to almost glow against the black sclera of his eyes, has a small infernal symbol tattooed on his right cheekbone near the outer corner of his eye.

Apparel & Accessories

Drawstring roguish black shirt Medium gray and blue panneled light half sleeve leather jerkin with lapels light leather gray shoulder pauldrons Elbow length black and blue fingerless palm and hand covering gloves Two tier black and blue panneled girth belt Gray trousers Black knee high leather boots

Specialized Equipment

Guild lockpicks Stealth pack Enchanted orcish (skyrim) daggers

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Sylas is a man and understands that it is the presentation of his body that makes him so. He knows there are other identities and sometimes those don't match with the body of that person. This is not the case with him however. He identifies as a man like his body.


Sylas can appreciate the form of a man and loves flirting and bantering with them, and people of all kinds for that matter. But he prefers to share a bed with women, though once and a while he could take a male lover, if that man were truly special.


He is the best rogue and trader in his families business and guild. He was trained in blades by his mother from a very young age and showed talent for that very fast. His father also trained him in the front ways of the business, dealing with people with cunning words and smarts to get what is needed for both sides at the most beneficial moment. By age 12 he was helping his father run the store and guild fronts gathering secrets and information along with goods to keep money flowing to the right people. By 14 he was taking to the night with his mother and other rogues procuring items and using the network of spies and information gathered to their advantage.

Personality Characteristics


Peace for his guild, family, and country Cut out the corruption creeping into his family business Help his best friend Dekarios on his quest


He keeps himself well groomed as possible in and out of the field


Dekarios Vandiir

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Sylas Merakas



Sylas Merakas

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Dekarios Vandiir



Current Status
On a quest with Dekarios to restore peace to their lands, by defeating the orcs and other threats. As a personal quest he wants to root out corruption in his rogue guild to keep it from being corrupted and ended.
Circumstances of Birth
Was born into a trading family in Voshari. They traded in everything, goods, secrets, information, mercenary work. His father taught him the cunning ways ofdealing with people and getting what is needed, and his mother taught him in the ways of the blade
Current Residence
Born in tiefling kingdom of Voshari
Slightly Masculine Androgynous
Demonic blue tiefling eyes with black sclera, shape of eyes is angular and are alert in nature
Medium messy black and blue highlighted, styled handsomely and rougishly around his face
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium Gray Skin
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Elvish
Character Prototype
Tiefling rogue with guild artisan/trader background

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