Falindor Settlement in Thera | World Anvil


Falindor isn't a place for nobles to vacation or criminals to steal from. Almost the whole country is full of manual laborers. It's the bread basket of Delindell strait. Also the source of Ore for the surrounding nations.

Social Structure

  1. Lord
  2. Land Owner
  3. Town Guard
  4. Laborer
  Official Languages

  • Common

Neighboring Countries


  1. The lords are like kings without supreme rule. They're more like a powerful, respected mediator and representative of Falindor. Lords are chosen for there level heads and wise actions. They settle disputes between landowners so arguments don't escalate into something more. But they are also landowners themselves, the lord is always chosen from the few landowners around.
  2. Landowners are people who have their own land. They govern their property and all who live on it. They make all the rules on what happens on their land whether or not they sold it to someone else. Guards and Laborers can also become landowners if they lay claim to an area outside of every lords property, or by buying land from the Landowners themselves. They still have to pay the original landowner rent for the land; but the benefit to having small properties or paying rent is getting a say in the greater affairs of Falindor.
  3. Guards are responsible for protecting and keeping the people in line. They inform the people of the new rules and implementations. They will work with the people to make sure everything is up to code. They are also the military for the Landowners.
  4. Laborers are everyone else. The common folk, if you don't fit any of the roles above you're a laborer.

Industry & Trade

The farms provide wheat and grain, millet and corn, cotton, potatoes, broccoli and radishes and sweet onions. They trade cows, chicken, pigs and goats. While the mines sell ore, copper and iron, coal and sometimes gems.

They import fruits, fish and clothes.


They have some walled castles and some without, bridges and roads.


  • Farms
  • Mines


Falindor was created by the many farmers and miners that first worked the areas. They were doing it for themselves at first, the farmers made their own food and the miners had nails and tools for construction, and weapons and armor if they were needed. So they traded with each other frequently, and as more people started showing up into Falindor these two groups started employing them. Which allowed them to own more land, around this time they began trading with Brenia and Fronia. The landowners became very wealthy, they built homes they were eventually turned into castles. They employed so many people parts of their lands were converted into towns. They were hiring guards and even allowing their workers to buy land from them. They decided to hold a closed vote amongst landowners on who should be a central authority in case disputes were to spill out. Not meant to be king but something similar they would agree to listen to, and who'd represent them to other countries. This is how the first Lord was chosen in Falindor and who remains in power today.


Falindorians are a simple people, they build simple sturdy stone structures.

Natural Resources

  • Wheat
  • Grain
  • Millet
  • Corn
  • Cotton
  • Potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Radishes
  • Sweet onions
  • Cows
  • Chicken
  • Pigs
  • Goats
  • Ore
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Coal
  • Gems
Inhabitant Demonym
Falindorian, Straiter, Delindweller
Included Locations

Articles under Falindor