Adamntine Dragon Species in Theras | World Anvil

Adamntine Dragon

Adamantine dragons, also known as adamantite dragons, rank among the most formidable planar dragons. These magnificent creatures originaly hail from Bahamut's Palace.   Adamantine dragons are often considered paragons of good. Their helpful nature knows few bounds, and they are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good of intelligent beings. They are the servants of Bahamut and operate as part of his command in Bahamut's Palace. In Addition, many Adamntine Dragons took to the beauty of Bytopia and are patrolling the area constantly, usually keeping tabs on the place for the Platinum Dragon.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

While possessing the classic draconic build, adamantine dragons have a unique physicality. Their bodies appear relatively small compared to their enormous claws, wings, and tail. Their size ranges from a wyrmling's 13 feet to a great wyrm's staggering 308 feet. These dragons are born with fully developed scales, resembling polished silver adorned with diamond dust. The light reflecting from their scales generates dazzling beams and shimmering rainbows, a sight said to invigorate good creatures but torment evil ones. Crowning their heads are magnificent horns that sweep back in a radiant crest.  
Dragon Breaths
Adamantine dragons boast two potent breath weapons. One unleashes a searing line or cone of white-hot fire that extends up to 110 feet. The other breath weapon's effects are less consistent across sources. Some describe it as a time-stopping gas cone usable only on their home plane, while others depict it as a cone of gas inducing a "hold monster" effect, with no planar limitations. It's possible this is a single breath weapon that's more potent within Bytopia.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like Angels, Adamantite Dragons are not born, but rather 'ascendent' from other Metallic Dragons.   They are considered both Dragons and Celestials for various effects.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Adamntine Dragons, are considered the divine messengers of Bahamut and exhibit both Angelic and Dragonic attributes. Despite their virtuous nature, adamantine dragons don't hesitate to hunt non-sapient life forms for sustenance. In fact, they are known to be formidable hunters with hearty appetites.   Adamantine dragons have declared themselves the protectors of Bytopia on Bahamut's Behalf.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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