Angel Species in Theras | World Anvil


Angels are benevolent beings native to the primarily Mount Celestia and the two others, Arcadia and Bytopia. They embody various interpretations of good, ranging from lawful to chaotic. These noble celestials include planetars, solars, and tabellias, and most serve benevolent deities of the upper planes. Empowered by light and goodness, they stand as the traditional adversaries of Fiends.   While "Angel" is occasionally used as a general term for any good outsider, encompassing Azatas, Archons, and Agathios, however they are not the same.  
All angels possess a potent arsenal of inherent magical abilities, many of which they can employ at will. Scholars have documented their capacity for: Divine Aid, , Shapeshifting, Augury, Healing, [tooltip:An angel's ability to detect evil is particularly potent; they can gaze into the eyes of a fiendish creature and unearth its entire history, nature, name, and potentially even its true name.] Detecting Evil and Magic, Moral Discernment, Spell Comprehension, Flawless Teleporation.   Many angels wield a unique power to inspire reverence in mortals. They can unleash a burst of blinding light, briefly paralyzing those who witness it with either overwhelming love or fear. Additionally, a holy aura constantly surrounds them, shielding those within it from evil and weaker magical attacks.   The immense power wielded by angels is balanced by their profound compassion and kindness. Beyond this inherent goodness, angels exhibit a fascinating diversity in their moral and ethical outlooks. Most are staunchly lawful and orderly, ensuring the prevalence of truth. Others champion freedom, choice, and creativity. Still others navigate a middle ground. One trait they all share is a deep aversion to lying, cheating, or stealing. Angels uphold honor and trustworthiness in their dealings.   Unlike other outsiders, angels can't automatically summon or gate in reinforcements. They resort to sending out a distress call, which might take the form of a haunting song or an unnerving silence. This call can attract other celestials or good creatures with a willingness to respond such as ki-rin, lammasu, metallic dragons, and unicorns.   Under divine command, they can venture to the Astral Plane or the Material Plane to support good in times of dire need. In these instances, they act as commanders, not servants, to mortals. Only for missions of utmost importance are they sent to the Lower Planes.  
Mistakes of Perfection
While angels embody goodness, they are not immune to corruption. Their unwavering belief in their own righteousness and their strict moral code, which forbids lying and cheating, can leave them vulnerable to manipulation.Good intentions don't guarantee perfect actions, and an angel might mistakenly believe a harmful act is justified for the "greater good".   Any significant transgression by an angel, accidental or deliberate, attracts immediate attention from superiors. Less severe missteps are met with an opportunity for redemption and self-reflection. However, persistent defiance leads to a celestial tribunal. A divine representative presides over the judgment, while an advocate argues for the angel's chance at redemption.   Punishment for fallen angels varies. It might involve stripping them of power or demoting them within the angelic hierarchy. Unrepentant angels face complete power removal and banishment to the Lower Planes. These are the true "fallen angels", their names forever erased from the Upper Planes. Their fates are grim; most are devoured by fiends, while others are twisted into the lowest ranks of demons, devils, or daemons. Legends claim this is the origin of the erinyes. Some fallen angels even rise to become powerful fiend lords, commanding legions of evil. Exile is another option for fallen angels. They retain their powers but are barred from the Upper Planes. These outcasts may wander the Material Plane as hermits, clinging to hope for redemption. However, some exiles take their punishment personally, embracing true evil and seeking power within the Lower Planes' hierarchies

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Angels are universally recognized for their striking beauty. They appear as winged humanoids with an androgynous form. The most powerful angels boast two or even four sets of feathered wings. Some, like the cassisians, possess shapeshifting abilities, while others can turn invisible at will.   Angels are renowned for their captivating, even sublime, appearances. Most boast magnificent wings, though their physical forms exhibit a remarkable degree of diversity. For instance, the angels of Dwarfhome are known for their shorter, stockier builds compared to their counterparts in other celestial realms.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Angelic society is divided into two primary groups: warriors and celestial stewards.   Though Angels typically follow the Celestial Hebdomad, since the 10th century, She'eros found a deep love in the hearts of all Angels and many of them are considered his servants.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most lawful angels hail from Heavens, neutral angels from Elysium, and chaotic angels from Arborea. However, this alignment isn't absolute, and individual angels can exist outside their home plane's alignment. Compared to other celestials, angels are less tied to their home planes and readily travel wherever needed. Angels often establish holdings on other planes to further their mission of spreading good.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Angels adhere to a well-defined hierarchy comprised of three choirs. At the pinnacle are the solars, powerful leaders who command lesser angels. The planetars form the second choir, serving as celestial officers. The third choir consists of movanic devas monadic devas, and tabellias.   Angels actively collaborate with other celestial beings and benevolent deities throughout the upper planes. Their shared dedication to good fosters a strong sense of unity in their endeavors to spread goodness.   As such, angels strive to lead by example, inspiring others towards righteousness without resorting to preaching or condemnation. They are unwavering in their pursuit of their goals. However, violence is always their last resort, and they will never instigate conflict, seeking peaceful solutions whenever possible. Yet, when angered, their wrath burns with an intensity unmatched in the multiverse. Their vengeance is swift and terrifying. Against fiends, they show no mercy, feeling no remorse for slaying evil creatures.   Angels rarely err in their judgments, keenly aware of their position as some of the most powerful celestials in existence. This awareness can, at times, manifest as a sense of superiority. However, few can dispute their undeniable strengths. Other celestial races, such as archons, guardinals, and eladrins, often seek their mediation in disputes. Angels hold these races in high regard.  
Within Mount Celestia, angels tend to operate with a degree of autonomy compared to archons. Their more adaptable approach to order allows them to act as a moderating force against overly rigid structures, ensuring that heavenly society progresses and avoids stagnation.   In Elysium, angels prioritize activities that encourage reflection and inner peace. They engage in contemplation, meditation, and meaningful conversations with their peers, drawing strength and purpose from these practices.   Exceptionally pious and powerful worshippers of an angel's deity may, under dire circumstances, attract an angel's attention.


The eldest angels are among the first creations of the primordial deities of good, making them one of the oldest races in existence. Trained from birth as celestial guardians and servants, most continue to serve their creators. However, the majority of modern angels arise from ascended good patitioners rather than direct divine creation. These ascended souls sometimes retain echoes of their mortal lives.
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution

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