Aderian Royal Equine Battalion Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Aderian Royal Equine Battalion

An Aderian Equine Battalion is a force comprised of 2,000-3,000 mounted combatants commanded by a Champion Cavalier, all of whom are knighted by their respective lord or lady. Since a considerable portion of knights are of noble descent, an equine battalion is somewhat loosely structured; this is not to say that it isn't ordered and/or disciplined, as the chain of command is strict and lacks any sort of ambiguity.



An equine battalion is divided into Vans and Flanks. A van is commanded by a cavalry captain and is the frontal assault force, while a flank refers to the combatants in the side of the formation and commanded by a flank leader. Depending on circumstances, the Vanpik, which is the van commanded by the battalion's champion, may be located anywhere within the formation; most commonly, it is either the first van to charge or the last.  

Equine Companies

Under certain circumstances an equine battalion may be divided into equine companies, a decision made either by the marshal commanding the battalion's parent division or by the battalion's champion cavalier. The simple majority of equine companies are divided into 5 Blocks, each with 18 cavaliers and 2 officers, totaling in 100 combatants; however, since equine companies are of ad hoc assignment, other compositions are also quite common.   The general case for forming equine companies is the necessity for greater maneuverability and flexibility, where the rigid van-flank formation could be detrimental; equine companies are used for this reason throughout the Kadian campaign in Octoland. Another common case is granting foreign military aid, inspired by the famous 5th cavalry company in the days of the Second Empire of Ader under the command of Gareth Verhill; ironically, Percival the Reckless was also famous for splitting his battalion into companies, while Gareth was assassinated on order of Kairoz the Andorian, Percival's father.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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