Kairoz the Andorian Character in Theras | World Anvil

Kairoz the Andorian

Saint Kairoz Half-Elven, The Andorian

I am blessed with divine might by Agusten himself; it is my duty to purge the corrupt, the wicked and the evil; it is my right to force the heretical out of the shadows, into cleansing fire.
— Kairoz Half-Elven, the Enlightened, on his Inquisitorial Ordainment.
  Saint Kairoz the Andorian is the supreme religious authority of the Andorian Church and the spiritual leader of the Kadian Dominion.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Kairoz takes the appearance he took in life - a half-elf of average height and build. However, he is easily identifiyable by his tattoos:   His head is tattooed with scripture, with second verse of the First Dogma tattooed on his face, the third passage being the most prominent.   His hands are covered as well; those on the right indicate his identity, while those on the left indicate his formative traumatic events.   His right palm has several small tattoos, each symbolizing a quality of Kairoz, following conventions of Navaran criminal society.
  • Pinky (Origin) - A rat tattoo (urchin).
  • Ring Finger (Family) - Two vertical lines (sons), two horizontal lines (daughters), one of which is followed by a cross (twins), and one circle (wife).
  • Middle finger (Service) - A serrated arrowhead (Venator) and The Eye of the Inquisition on its base.
  • Index Finger (Authority) - Four sides of an incomplete heptagon (High Inquisitor) and an intricate sigil (Venatores Perdita).
  • Thumb (Failures) - Two gavels (wrongful execution) and a pair of fairy wings (misidentification).
  • Back of Palm (Feats) - Four pairs of crossing gavels, and one crossed by only a gavel's handle. Each gavel denotes five successful inquisitorial investigations.
Kairoz's left hand is tattooed with his most defining events; the wrist has six black stripes (years spent in Agorak Prison), crossed by six white lines (years living as a free man); his entire forearm and palm is completely dark-red (The Cauterizing of Northriver).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Birth and Early Childhood

Kairoz was born in the city of Navara, in a brothel called The Rozzet, to an elven mother. His mother was a courtesan and his father was one of her patrons, who impregnated her by mistake. Neither of them knew, nor cared, about his identity. He was abandoned by her around the age of seven, and from then on grew up on the streets as a common street urchin, hoping to end the day without begging for food. While not prone to violence, he would often steal or cheat.

Teenage Years

While living on the streets, Kairoz made two good friends: Ixil, and Nair; the trio were roughly the same relative age and clicked almost immediately. Ixil, a Dwarf who somehow always manged to stay fat, was a street rat working for some undercity big-shot; at least according to what he told the group. Nair, a Tiefling, was too smart for his own good. His daring plans usually included the risk of certain death but were almost always executed without a hitch, providing food and coin when needed. Kairoz himself found a strange liking to religious sermons spread by the Andorian Church, finding them meditative and resolving. He began to hang around the church of Northriver, sometimes even going to see the sermons and rituals in the central Church of Navara. Ixil gave Kairoz his name; 'Kai' meaning "king" in his Dwarvish dialect and 'roz', short for Rozzet. Since his mother never bothered to name him and simply called him "son", the name quickly stuck. Kairoz never tries to hide its origin, but people rarely ask. In 643 AB, Ixil almost died of dysentery, but made it through. Few months later Nair decided to leave for one of the Free Cities after receiving a promising lead from one of his contacts; he never contacted Kairoz again. That very same year, after talking back to a city guard on patrol in, Kairoz was falsely accused of assault. He was convicted the same week and was sent to Agorak Prison for 6 years.

Life in Prison

In the labor camp known as Agorak Kairoz dreaded the frigid winter. The valley would freeze almost completely and everything that wasn't essential would often be used as fuel for fires. According to the place's tradition, each winter Kairoz tattooed a black stripe around his wrist. During his time in prison, Kairoz have read the teachings of the Andorian Church. As his freedom grew closer he began to see the truth, every sermon, every passage, every glorious sunrise, all called him to bask in Agustin's radiance and sanctity. As soon as he was able, and with the help of the jail's pastor, he joined the ranks of the Andorian Church's Inquisition. Kairoz later named his horse Ixil, after his old friend, as a joke.  

Employment In the Venatores

After a couple of years as a Venator Impius, he became a "Tiro Inquisitor" under an ordained Inquisitor, honing his senses and learning much; Since he was yet unordained, he served as the inquisition's eyes and ears, and occasionally its fists.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Prior to his apotheosis, Kairoz was regarded as a capable and relentless inquisitor (and high inquisitor), acting with zeal but never without thought; he published a treatise regarding the proper function of the inquisition; this treatise, Ferrus Manus Contra Haereticus (Strike Against Heresy, lit. "Hands of Iron Against the Heretical"), serves as the standard procedure of action for inquisitors to this day. Additionally, he played a major, pivotal role in the dissolution of the Second Empire of Ader, and his actions are considered to be the catalyst for The Great Kadian Split.  

The Zealot of Navara

See The Great Kadian Split, War of the Cleric.

Mental Trauma

The Cautrizing of Northriver was a key event in Kairoz's life. He tattooed his left palm and forearm completely red, citing that he is unable to wash his hand off of the blood of the district's denizens; he suffered from recurring nightmares of the atrocities he had to commit, and would reportedly pray for an additional hour each day for the souls of the innocent. In the months following the event he became disturbingly distant and remorseless, and he became prone to outbursts of anger, often lashing out at his advisors and family; this state of mind was evident in the cruel and pronolnged death of Areyus Verhill. With the birth of Idari and Reseah, however, he slowly realized that he cannot continue in this manner, and opened up to his wife. While not completely relieved, he regained his previous composure and mannerisms; in one entry in her journal, Invyre remarks that "...the nightmares never left him. I pray that in his current state they did".



Kairoz had a knack for learning new languages, and according to contemporary documents spoke at least eight languages even before his apotheosis.   In his current form, Kairoz has two speech patterns; the first is identical to that he had as a mortal, even retaining a Navaran accent, and is used when he speaks for himself. The second speech pattern is used when he speaks as the Divine Legate of The Four.


Kairoz the Andorian


Towards Invyre Half-Elven


Invyre Half-Elven


Towards Kairoz the Andorian


Envoy of the Four;
The Divine Legate;
Hand of Light;
The Zealot of Navara;
Cauterizer of Northriver;
The Enlightened;
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
665 or 668 AB.
Quotes & Catchphrases
● "It is not innocence that differs one from lawlessness, but adherence. Your innocence proves nothing."
- during trial and prior to execution of cult leader's brother-in-law.   ● "In nomine populo urbis Navara et authorita dei quattuor; Ego depose tu, meus rex." ("in the name of the people of the city of Navra and the authority of The Four; I am deposing you, my king.")
- to Tobias Malion, declaring The Usurpation of Navara.
Favored Weapon
"Lion's Bane", (Warhammer)

House Andoriani

In 691 AB Kairoz met the love of his life, and his future wife, Invyre. Their firstborn, Isolda, was born in 693. She married a human blacksmith artisan, and they had two twins - Reseah (F) and Idari (M). Their firstborn son, Galahad, was born in 695, and married a Ciuri priestess of Nymm and they had two sons. The second daughter, Morgan, was born in 705, and went missing in 730 AB. Their youngest son, Percival, was born in 706 and died in battle in Saymaclari while assisting the locals to fend off a Yokun Empire incursion.   Per his demands, Isolda took the crown after the end of the former Aderian dynasty as the first Sovereign of Ader, and was inherited by Reseah, which was the first time the new royal family was referred to as House Andoriani. Reseah was inherited by Grandeur (born Melora), which abdiacted the throne in favor of her cousin, Kairoz II, which married an Agyer noblewoman; Kairoz II was inherited by Epitome (born Agael), who was then inherited by the current sovereign, Auspice (born Szaphir).


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