House Verhill Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Verhill

House Verhill was a noble Navaran house founded by Eamon Verhill after he conquered Vermere and became the Duke of Karhaven. The house is now mostly known for its brutal end and the prolonged execution of its head, Areyus Verhill, both ordered by Kairoz the Andorian for the house's betrayal.


During the battle of Navara, House Verhill feigned allegiance to Light's Hand and Kairoz the Andorian, retreating to their estates to muster their forces and join the Aderian Royal Army in sieging the city. This betrayal proved to be their doom, as the Aderian army was routed by the combined forces of the Andorian Inquisition and the many allies rallies under the cleric's banner, which later easily breached Goldclaw Castle. Kairoz ordered every member of the house to be accounted for and executed.

A Lion Has Its Claws

Political, Family


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