Admata D'Qetanin Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Admata D'Qetanin

Admata D'Qetanin , or the Lands of the Tiny Folks. This name came first in the archives of Sophia-Hold, that there were many incursions from the fey of creatures that can only be described as gnomes in the times of the Menedynn Empire.   It was only natural that one of the many points of the gnomes exodus from the Feywild, was the Admata D'Qetanin.   The land is littered with rugged terrains and treacherous underground passages, lies an enclave known as the Gnomish State. This small but industrious community of gnomes has carved out their domain, acting as a vital link in the intricate web of the League of Gnomir, a clandestine organization involved in the distribution of illicit substances.
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