Andorian Pantheon Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Andorian Pantheon

The Andorian Pantheon is a pantheon comprised of five deities; it has two organized religions worshipping it - the older Andorian Church, an organized religion that adheres to the Dogma of the Four (thus ignoring the fifth deity) and named after its founder, Saint Agustin Andor; and the Quintists, a split-off group that adds The Raven Queen to their pantheon in addition to the four. This, in addition to a theological argument over the core belief of the ownership of a mortal over his soul*, caused a great schism There are also non-organized religious groups, such as the non-orthodox Kaviri.   Some demigods are also members of the pantheon, though all of them are subservient to either one of The Four. These demigods still are prayed to, but are rarely ever taken as patron deities.
Religious, Pantheon
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