Saint Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil


A Saint is a person who is canonized by the Andorian Church to be remembered for their deeds. A saint can be declared only after their demise, as no person is considered free of their sins during their mortal life.


To be declared as a saint, a person must lead a life of piety and devotion which ends in sacrifice, or while providing a vital service to the church in times of need. Despite this statement, there have been cases of supposed canonization even for people who were not fierce and devoted followers of the church.


When a person of great importance dies, the church waits 8 years to allow for any of their sins and wrongdoings to surface. If the sins and errors of the person are considered petty or nullified, they are canonized by the Arch Priest in a ceremony taking place on each New Year's Morn in Ammand.   In the case the person who is canonized does not have an Aderian name, a suitable name, closest to the original in meaning, will be chosen for them.


Any direct offspring of a canonized saint receive their surname as their own and are considered remnants of a holy heritage. They are placed in a social status similar to nobles, although they do not receive any unique right. They are granted housing in the Cathedral Square in Ammand. The family also receive the right to a designated plot to erect their mausoleum or burial crypt. Other benefits include favored relations with the clergy and enjoying the prestige and popularity their ancestor deeds brings them.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

In the case of a false saint or in the case a major sin is found after being canonized, the Arch-Priest will declare the saint as 'uncanon'. They will read the name of the saint in the Cathedral Square and list his newly found sins and crimes. Any benefits enjoyed by the former saint's family will be considered null and void as they will be forced to leave their house in the square and deliver any lands or assets they received as result of the original canonizing, so long as no more then two generations have passed since then.

Notable Saints

  • Saint Agustin - born Agustin Andor. Founder of the Andorian church and the First Empire of Ader.
  • Saint Albert - born Vilcasrious Alberticus, he was an Aderian astronomer who recorded the movements of the Moons of Theras and established the Andorian Count.
  • Saint Verona - born Veronica Dislerf, she was a noblewoman from the Kingdom of Agy that converted to the faith of The Four and ordered the construction of the Basilica of Saint Agustin.
  • Saint Magalis - born Albertius Magalis, founder of the Andorian Inquisition.
  • Saint Sandor - born Sandor Amarell, founder of the Second Empire of Ader. Decanonized in 801 AB, and recanonized by Kairoz the Andorian in 1045 AB.
  • Saint Kairoz - born unnamed, considered to be Agustin Andor reborn and the Divine Legate of The Four.
  • Saint Enora - born Enor D'Gillier, she was the wife of Kairoz Andoriani II and commited suicide so he would remarry an Agyer noblewoman and Ascend to the throne of Sovereign.
  • Saint Invyre - born Invyre Melitades, she founded the Order of the Vermilion Orchid and dedicated her life to healing the injured and the ill in the wake of the Great Kadian Split.
  • Saint Melora - born Melora Andoriani, also known as Grandeur Andoriani, she oversaw the ending of The Great Kadian Split and brought the Kadian Dominion to its dominant state.
  • Saint Barus - born Bjior Idästä, he protected followers of the Andorian Church from religious persecution during the war between the Corgomuran Free Cities and the SFLK. He was captured and burned at the stake by a Gomuri mob.
  • Saint Terstus - born Tormod MacDhrostain, he was the first Prasri convert to the faith of The Four and is generally given credit for the Andorian Church's presence in Grausur.
  • Saint Aurora - born Usur-t-kau, she was a Qulfigi princess that, following her own conversion, convinced her father, the Tawal of Gaoqulfay, to allow missionaries from the Second Empire of Ader into the kingdom. After Aurora attempted to convert followers of Godly Queen Neean, the queen had her flayed, decapitated, and quartered; though Aurora was kept alive for two centuries in that agonizing state, she continued preaching her faith.
Religious, Beatified
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