Quintism Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Quintism, also known as Dogma Additum or the Fifth Dogma, is a variation of the Andorian Church and is practiced mainly in the Corgomuran Free Cities. The main deviation between the sect and its parent religion is the worship of the "missing goddess", the Raven Queen, who rules the domain of death.

Mythology & Lore

At its core, quintism is centered around the core belief that Talador, considered to be the one who gave mortals their ability to question and learn, is the true head deity of the pantheon rather than Rhaan. Taldor is also considered to be protector of all mortal races from the quarrels influence of the gods.   Over time, active worship of The Raven Queen became commonplace to the extent where she is now considered to be Talador's equal; this is in complete contrast to the Andorian Church, who considers the deity to be a malignent entity and death to be profane. The Fifth Dogma also challenges the common perception of Agustin Andor, Envoy of Rhaan, as a messiah; quintists vehemently oppose the church's canon regarding Kairoz the Andorian being a messiah.


There are barely any temples dedicated to the fifth dogma, and those few are all in either the Kingdom of Agy, the Grieselandic League and the Corgomuran Free Cities. The sect has no religious head and lacks an orderly hierarchical structure. Most prayer and worship is done at private, as a person chosen deity is considered to be a personal subject and is rarely talked about with someone who isn't a family member or a trusted friend. Some ceremonies, such as weddings, seasonal holidays, births and deaths are preformed as a community, though in most towns and villages the ceremonies are usually officiated by a wandering priest or the townmaster.


Priests and clerics of the Fifth Dogma usually work as independent agents of their chosen deity, travelling from place to place and spreading their word. Occasionally a handful of priests that worship the same deity group into small covens to perform rituals and ceremonies; after such duties are complete, the clerics usually continue their travels on their own.
Religious, Organised Religion


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