Asor Character in Theras | World Anvil

Asor (AS-or)

Asor was the father of the giant-kin races and the god of glaciers, polar environments and was killed by Merabyss.   Asor preferred solitude to the company of others, and spent much of his time in contemplation and meditation. Despite this, he truly loved Othea and remained devoted to her even in death.   Othea was the mother of the giant races of Theras and wife of Annam, father of the true giant races. She had children with Asor, when they were discovered he voluntarily exiled himself in exchange for Annam’s promise to spare his wife. He was exiled to to the astral planes after his death of the children of Othea. His body was carried off by Merabyss into the Plane of Water where she gained his power and enough power to challenge Istishia.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The church of Asor operated on a local level, with minimal interaction between villages. In the region of the Great Codquet Ice Fields, clerics and druids assumed authoritative roles in the villages, governing with strict, sometimes harsh decrees, albeit without personal gain in mind. Villagers believed that Asor’s clergy received divine guidance from the Lord in the Ice, resulting in a structured society, albeit one that leaned towards conservatism. In contrast, among the Ice Hunters of the Savage Frontier, Asor’s clergy acted as community leaders, but their governance relied more on consensus than on dictatorial mandates. Ice Hunter society, unlike that of the Great Glacier, embraced occasional contact with outsiders and displayed less social hierarchy. The clergy of Asor fulfilled roles as leaders, educators, custodians of history and wisdom, and guardians of their people. They educated clan children, facilitated the transition of youths into adulthood, and transmitted both clan customs and essential survival skills.

Tenets of Faith

In the Asor faith, equality and mutual respect were core tenets, with no individual considered superior to another. However, priests held a distinct position of importance due to their direct conduit to the deity and their responsibility for transmitting divine wisdom to society. This egalitarian principle did not extend to those deemed heretics, namely non-Nakulutiuns. Priests could be of any gender.   Animals were regarded as offspring of Asor and thus were considered equals to humans, although this did not necessarily forbid hunting. Both humans and animals possessed a life essence known as pokulu, which returned to Asor upon death.   Adherents were obligated to pray three times daily, typically at dawn, midday, and dusk. Priests received their divine spells during the midday prayers. During these devotions, supplicants would cover their eyes with their hands and silently gaze skyward for approximately a minute.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Asor's manifestation took the form of a human figure with strikingly deep blue eyes, jet-black hair, and skin with a frosty, icy hue. His facial features were characterized by a round face, a flat nose, and small ears. Despite being relatively short in stature, he possessed sturdy limbs and digits. Initially immune to cold, following his imprisonment, he acquired an aura of chilling frost. Often, he appeared wielding a colossal spear known as the Harpoon of the Cold Sea.   At times, he would manifest as a perfect circle of ice along the seashore, which his devotees would carefully analyze, discerning symbolic significance from its cracks and formations. His disfavor was conveyed through icequakes.   As a demigod, Asor existed through a singular avatar, which was both formed and enclosed within the Great Glacier. Hence, unless liberated by external forces, the likelihood of his direct manifestation was extremely remote. However, the potential emergence of his true avatar could be triggered by the resurrection of Othea or the return of Annam to Toril, actions that could ultimately lead to the eventual demise of the Great Glacier.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The true origins of Asor remained shrouded in mystery. Some speculated that he might have once been mortal, while others posited that he had always existed as a divine entity, perhaps as an avatar of another deity or as a displaced being from another realm. Irrespective of his beginnings, he roamed the Northern lands for many years until encountering the unusually tranquil Ocean. Constructing a vessel of ice, he embarked on a silent voyage across its serene waters, pondering the mysteries of the cosmos.   Asor entered into a romantic liaison with Othea, the wife of Annam All-Father, resulting in the birth of the firbolg, fomorian, verbeeg, and the voadkyn. Upon discovery of his affair by Annam, Asor chose self-imposed exile from Rakion. His lifeless form was ceremoniously placed upon a barge that drifted into the frigid expanse of the Cold Ocean. As the vessel descended beneath the waves, the magical properties of his amulet induced a freezing effect, giving rise to the vast Codquet Ice Fields.   Following Othea's demise, Asor appeared content to remain distant from Theras. However, speculation arose that he might consider a return should Othea be resurrected.
The Lord in the Ice;
The Eternal Sleep;
Father of the Giant's Kin;
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Astral Plane Once, now The Elemental Plane of Water
Subservient Deities
Arctic dwellers, glaciers, polar environments
Animal, Law (None), Protection (Solitude), Water, Weather (Storms)
A necklace of blue and white ice crystals
Arctic dwellers, druids, historians, leaders, teachers, rangers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Harpoon of the Frozen Ice" longspear/shortspear)
Holy Days


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