Annam All-Father Character in Theras | World Anvil

Annam All-Father (AHn-nahm all-FAH-ther)

Annam All-Father, the once-paramount deity of the giants and progenitor of their race, embodies a paradoxical nature. On one hand, he is an all-knowing god of contemplation and study, capable of dedicating millennia to the exploration of a single topic. Conversely, he is driven by instinct and impulse, often acting spontaneously. Time holds little significance for him, given his immortal essence, yet he harbors impatience for the fulfillment of his grand objectives. Remarkably obstinate, once his decisions are made, he seldom wavers, regardless of contrary evidence, though there are exceptions to this trait, such as when Hiatea demonstrated the error of his stance against allowing his consorts to bear daughters.   Annam was considered to be patron of the stars before Sehanine Moonbow.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Annam is venerated by nearly all giants, who regard him as the supreme embodiment of their kind, epitomizing the virtues they hold dear. To hill giants, he embodies colossal appetite; to stone giants, he represents unparalleled artistic prowess. Among frost giants, he is revered as a formidable warrior and reveler.   During the era of Annam's withdrawal, his clergy were exceedingly scarce, despite the widespread reverence for the god among giants. Presently, many humanoids in Siril also pay homage to him. His priesthood is primarily established within the most prominent and ancient tribes and kingdoms of storm, stone, cloud, and fog giants, as well as any realm or alliance comprising various Giant subraces. Here, they often assume positions of authority, with particularly influential and charismatic priests being hailed as kings. Even in tribes devoid of Annam's clergy, excepting those devoted to Memnor, he is recognized as the head of the pantheon, and his priests command respect, if not always obedience. In regions boasting diverse populations of giant subraces, the priests of the All-Father may serve as spiritual mentors to other clergy and as mediators in inter-racial conflicts.   Guiding and overseeing fellow giants stands as the primary responsibility of Annam's clergy, regardless of their whereabouts. Many aspire to ascend to positions of eminence and influence, as well as to amass magical prowess and coveted artifacts. They are expected to harbor lofty yet attainable ambitions, serving as sources of inspiration for their giant brethren. Revered as sagacious custodians of knowledge, they offer profound counsel to those in pursuit of enlightenment.   For the clergy of the All-Father, engaging in physical altercations with other giants, except in cases of self-defense, is deemed a serious transgression warranting dismissal from their ranks. Such an act is considered a breach of utmost taboo, prompting most members of the clergy to willingly undergo divestiture. Even if compelled by magical means to strike another giant, divestiture remains the prevailing consequence, although prolonged periods of penance may occasionally be mandated instead. In certain mythologies concerning the All-Father, certain races purported to be giants or kin to giants (such as firbolgs, verbeeg, trolls, ogres, etc.) are purportedly the offspring of one of Annam's consorts and another deity, such as Ulutiu or Vaprak. On worlds upholding such beliefs, mentioning the names of these deities during a ceremony honoring the All-Father is deemed an unpardonable offense punishable by death.   Following Asor's demise at the hands of Merabyss while he slumbered, Annam astutely adopted Asor's principles and teachings, asserting his influence over the fields of chivalry and the people of Siril.

Tenets of Faith

Worshippers of Annam believe the giants are destined to rule the world. They are instilled with reverence for the Giant Pantheon, the hierarchical structure of giant society. Emphasis is placed on refraining from aggression against fellow giants and embracing the passage of time, which bestows advantages upon giants and Sirilians over shorter-lived races. While they are cautioned against underestimating other species, they are also urged not to allow them to hinder their aspirations.   Humanoid devotees of Annam hold the conviction that they should aid all individuals in procreation and self-improvement to ascend as the superior race.


The Great Feast of the All-Father is observed annually on the inaugural day of the new year. During this occasion, giants set aside their usual duties to partake in a grand banquet commemorating the eventual restoration of the glorious Giant Empire. Ambassadors are dispatched from one tribe to another as a gesture of solidarity, and the stormazîn, in recognition of a distinguished chieftain, dine with the tribe of their honored leader.   Monthly, the stormazîn convene for a prayer vigil dedicated to Annam, seeking his assistance. Giants encountering challenges often participate in this ritual for solace and guidance.   Every two years, newly appointed giant priests representing all echelons of the Ordning are consecrated by the stormazîn in a ceremony devoted to Annam.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a god of knowledge and magic, Annam's avatar can cast spells from any school and sphere. He can, with a wave of his hand, cause an earthquake, use telekinesis, create a massive wall of force, and use Bigby's crushing hand. He is also immune to energy drain effects, mind-affecting magic, petrification, paralysis, death magic, and any weapon that was not powerfully enchanted. However, he has a unique weakness in that any blow that struck the top of his head was guaranteed to leave him stunned.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a deity associated with creation and fertility, Annam exhibited considerable lust, fathering numerous children and maintaining multiple paramours. Yet, the shortcomings of his offspring and his lack of a true spouse caused him profound sadness and despondency.   Annam's origins are shrouded in antiquity and subject to speculation. Some tales suggest he is the progeny of the primal forces of Law and Chaos. Others propose that Annam traversed the cosmos, whimsically fashioning worlds and deities. Alternatively, he is depicted as a slumbering deity whose dreams shape the foundational essence of reality utilized by other gods in their own creations. Regardless, his presence predates the emergence of dwarves, humans, and even elves, aligning him with the earliest divine beings. During this epoch, he sired Stronmaus and conceivably several other male members of the Giant Pantheons.   Upon his arrival, Annam encountered and wed Othea, entering into a union that produced terrestrial sons. Later, he engaged in a liaison with a giantess, resulting in the birth of his daughter Hiatea. Previously, he had favored sons over daughters, employing magic to transform any anticipated female offspring into males before birth. However, Hiatea escaped this fate and, upon reaching maturity, demonstrated her merit to the All-Father. Consequently, he ceased altering the gender of his offspring, leading to the subsequent births of Iallanis and Diancastra.  
Creation of Jotunlond
Following the birth of his terrestrial sons, Annam established a kingdom known as Jotunlond for them and their progeny as a symbol of his favor. Additionally, he instituted the Giant Pantheon to ensure that his mortal descendants always understood their status relative to one another.   Dragons began to emerge in Theras long before the founding of Jotunlond, and as they grew in size, they began to vie for territory, sparking conflict and war with the giants. According to giant lore, Annam halted the ensuing Ten Thousand Year War by persuading the dragon deity Garyx to resolve the conflict through a game of Wah-ree-ree. Both opponents exhibited remarkable skill, resulting in a stalemate and the cessation of hostilities. Regrettably, by that time, Jotunlond had already diminished considerably from its former grandeur.  
There existed various conjectures regarding Annam's withdrawal from the world. Some posited that he grew weary of overseeing the myriad worlds he had created and the conflicts therein, especially those involving his competitive offspring. Others, adopting a more lighthearted perspective, suggested that he fled to escape the incessant demands of his numerous paramours, concubines, and wives, a consequence of his insatiable lust. However, the most prevalent theory involved a betrayal by his wife, Othea.   Shortly before the war's conclusion, Othea engaged in an illicit liaison with Asor, resulting in several offspring who would become the progenitors of the majority of the giant-kin races. Concealing this dalliance from Annam, Othea even went as far as falsely claiming that her son, Dunmore, born of Asor, was Annam's own. However, Annam eventually discovered the truth around -62,000. Enraged, he depicted his wrath in ancient giant carvings, depicting the slaying of Asor amidst a colossal tempest. However, in reality, Asor negotiated with Annam, agreeing to enter a dormant exile in the Astral Plane if Annam spared Othea. Subsequently, Asor plunged into the frigid depths of the Cold Ocean, where his amulet began to freeze the surrounding waters.   Devastated by heartbreak, Othea rejected any further union with Annam. Subsequently, Annam resorted to trickery, assuming the guise of a divine wind and bestowing upon her slopes the conception of one final son destined to revive the faltering giant kingdom. However, Othea swiftly discerned his deception and refused to bear the child. Eventually, they reached a reluctant accord stipulating that Annam would depart from Theras until the birth of the son Othea would name. In return, Othea pledged not to expel the child prematurely.   Regrettably, this plan failed to materialize. Annam's exile spelled doom for the giant race, precipitating a draconic offensive across all continents of Theras. With the assistance of arriving mortals, the dragons decimated the giants, granting them the decisive advantage needed to seize control of the world.  
Recent History
By circa 2,900 BB, beliefs about Annam's silence had changed. It was said that he had in fact disowned all giants after the fall of the Giant Empire, and that he was not under any compulsion to not interact with mortal giants, he simply refused to. He did not answer prayers, and so was no longer directly worshiped.   Sometime after the 111 AB, Annam shattered the Giant Pantheon of mortal giants, believing they had fallen into complacency. This caused giants lower in the ordning to challenge the established hierarchy and began their alliance with Confederacy of Siril.   The Truth of that awakening was due to the intervention of many interlopers deities into the Giant Pantheon, only having those aspect pay respect to him.
The Prime;
The Progenitor of Worlds;
The Great Creator;
The Creator-By-Thought;
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Diancastra, Grolantor, Grond Peaksmasher, Hiatea, Iallanis, Memnor, Othea, Skoraeus Stonebones, Stronmaus, Surtur, Thrym
Giants, Creation, Learning, Philosophy, Fertility, Stars, Sky
Knowledge (Aeon, Memory), Magic (Rites), Plant, Rune, Sun, Void (Stars)
Annam's holy symbol was a pair of hands with their wrists together and the fingers pointing down
Giants, Sirilischs
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Halfspear, shortspear
Holy Days
The Grand Feast

Worshipper Relations

While giants might choose other deities as their patrons (particularly after Annam turned away until Circa -3,000), all giants revered Annam as the father of their race.


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