Avux Character in Theras | World Anvil


Archmage Avux the Grey, also known as Avux the Mad Wizard, Avux the Aberrant or simply Avux, is a Peraserasian exile that served in the Diarchs' court from 809 to 1038. Fascinated by aberrations, Avux contacted "something he shouldn't have" (as stated by Amlawdd Poyner) in 1025 and his mental stability and health began deteriorating, eventually leading to his self imposed exile to the Pueblian Wilds in 1038, where he is rumored to reside in a tower to this day. He routinely sets loose Runehounds to stalk the area, making the rough environment even harder to live in.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

That can’t possibly be an elf.
Elves usually have two hands and two legs, and you’re pretty sure this thing has four and four.
An elf’s neck is shorter than two feet, and the neck is easily three; also, you vividly recall elven spines having less vertebrae, and not ending in...
Such a muscular tail.
It calmly turns to you, first with two eyestalks with pitch black eyes; then you notice a disturbingly regular mouth… and that’s it.
A featureless face.
Some appendages have are single jointed, ending with seven triple-jointed… fingers? Others are somewhat longer and double jointed, ending with five muscular conic structures.
Whatever this thing is, it can’t possibly be an elf.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Avux is cosidered to be a brilliant wizard with mastery of conjuration and teleportation spells. He is rumored to have crafted a magic staff rivaling those created by gods; however, as the rumors claim, he paid for the knowledge of crafting it with his sanity. Regardless of the reason, Avux's sanity slowly faded away, and it is speculated that he is in a constant state of psychosis.   On the 8th of Dacius a group of adventurers contacted Avux in order to cease Runehound activity in southern Peraserasia. Much to their dismay, Avux displayed signs of severe mental degradation in some aspects; this included an inability to form new memories and inconsistency of both temporal and spatial reality testing.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
247 AB 804 Years old
Other Affiliations


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