Diarch Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil


A Diarch is one of the two joint rulers of Diarchy of Peraserasia. Diarchs are elected for life from a pool of representatives of major noble Peraserasian houses. Until the diarchy was conquered by the Yokun Empire, the diarchs were the sole (or dual) rulers of Peraserasia, though currently they both answer to the monarch.


Though both diarchs share a joint reign, some responsibilites are only delegated to one of them. Traditionally one male and one female, the Great Lady is responsible for inner and outer diplomatic affairs, while the Highlord is the supreme commander of the armies of Peraserasia and is trusted with its trade and commerce.
Though rare, on some occurences a diarchess could be the Highlady, entrusted with the same resposibilites as the Highlord; the same is true for the Great Lord.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Great Lady/Great Lord.
Source of Authority
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