Pueblian Free Territory Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Pueblian Free Territory

The Pueblian Free Territory, also known as the Pueblian Free Territories, is a large mountainous land in northern Epeoris. It is rich in resources and notoriously difficult to rule over, with neighboring nations constantly vying for control over it.


The climate in the highlands is inconvinent at best; frigid winds blow through the hills, and with barely any trees to trap heat, temperatures drop below freezing at night.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the local flora consists of shurbs, grasses, cushion plants, mosses and lichen. The local fauna is usually hostile and cunning, not only due to the harsh conditions but also due to the constant presence of militaries traversing the land. In recent years, several types of abberations were also spotted, though it is unknown how and why they began appearing.
Alternative Name(s)
Pueblian Highlands
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