Grey Elf Species in Theras | World Anvil

Grey Elf

The spires reached the skies
Our songs carried by the wind
The rivers, pure, quenched our needs
Our children played on the land
We shall not forget
Our home of Teolelyn
Our cries unnheard by the heavens
The flames roared in a squall
Our blood, spilt, sogged the earth
The future interred in the ground
Our pain reminds us
We cannot return
  The Grey elves are native to Grausur. Though initially no more than a cultural distinction, made due to their ancestors tying their fate with the Prasri people, they currently differ in some aspects from their high elven cousins.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Grey elves are the second in lifespan among the elven races. Their typical lifespan can reach to about 1,000 years as they wait for the demesnes to be rebuilt in their lifetime.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Waning
The typical Grey elves are subject to the waning at around 220 years old.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Grey elves like most most of the elven race, can have a low-light vision up to 60 ft'.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

While for most denizens of the Kadian Dominion the erasure of the elves from southern Epeoris is distant history, to the grey elves this disaster is far closer. The oldest living among them heard tales of the demesnes and their great cities from their exiled parents; the younger among them heard them from their grandparents.


Most grey elves trace their origins to the ancient Demesne of Teolelyn; the grand city was razed, and the inhabitants of the demesne had to choose between subjugation and exile. Those who chose exile traveled to the north, looking for a place to call home. As they arrived in Grausur, they found a forested land whose people worshipped not gods, but fey and nature. These people, the Prasri, gladly welcomed the exiles, sharing their sacred groves and blessed rivers with the newcomers.   Other grey elves however are the offspring of Prasri humans and nymphs, and are called the Mith-Quessir. The exiled quickly joined with them, and together they form an inseperable cultural group, as the Mith-Quessir felt their pain and sorrow in the most literal sense.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

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