Bafigron Character in Theras | World Anvil


Bafigron, named after the lands of The White Lands of Bafigron, is the second Sovereign Imperator of the Empire that rose. He came to fame as an adventurer that defeated the fate of all time.   Bafigron, with the aid of his party and AilĂ©no, had devised a way to annhilate the Sovereign Imperator.   However, Bafigorn though he declared that the newly empire would return to Republic, he didn't follow his words as the civil war was still at place. At the date of his death, his family, had declared that their empire would follow the Neomen Pantheon and not the Menedynn Pantheon.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Just Emperor, The Peacemaker, The Fate-Regulator
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
21 BB 63 AB 84 years old


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