Bolumus Character in Theras | World Anvil


Bolumus was the first declared Sovereign Imperator of the The Bafigron Empire, which was a republic. He took control of the Empire and attempted to change the fates of the world, and when it was denied to him by Fortuna, he cooperated with Nyx, Vhaeraun and Selvetarm, as those three deities sought to destroy Lady Luck for it was the greatest power beyond many things in the world of Theras.   Bolumus was changed in the process and had changed many fertile places and turned many fertile lands to desert, and The White Lands of Bafigron, were at first called like that because of the wheat that was utterly white because of his arcane mastery.   Bolumus was defeated by Bafigron and his adventuring party, usurping control of the Empire that Bolumus tried to expand and was defeated in 3 AB.  

Cultural Significance

It is mentioned that the counting of the world, AB, was actually based on After Bolumus Conquest or After Baisha Conquest, however the threads of history are cruel and it actually went after the significance of the Bafigron Empire (or Maybe Bafigron himself).
2876 BB 3 AB 2879 years old


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