Neomen Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Neomen Menedynn Culture is a much more complex culture, as the people who claim to be Neomen, are part of Abaisgar, The Grand Duchy of Albiril and the Grand Duchy of Aluda'ar. All of those people see themselves as the most worthy, righteous (or Self righteous) and the 'true' descendants of Menedynn. Most of the rulers and nobles from these lands, can actually trace their blood to Bafigorn true houses, whether by divine magic or pedigree in the archives. The Neomen, are harsh people and very advanced in most of their thinkings, as contrary to the Menedynn Culture. They do not see problem with trading with other cultures or ethnicities and actually make the most of it.   While the Menedynn culture is more racist or see themselves as supreme, the Neomen think that the true message of Menedynn culture should be protection of the civilized lands.   It is crucial to mention that the Neomen culture has grown in the lands that the northern ethnicity has once grown from and most of the northern culture is either destroyed or hidden from sight.  
A Neomen Family

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