Balef Forgehammer

Balef Forgehammer is the lord of Dunehaven. He is the oldest child of Agnar Forgehammer and Eira Forgehammer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Veteran of the Stone Guard

As the first born son of the ForgeHammer family, balef was destined to become the house's head and to learn the skills neccesary to be a legendary blacksmith like his father. But, balef always prefered to use the hammer to break skulls then to shape weapons and armor. In his 20's he joined The Stone Guard and advanced throught the ranks. by the time he was 56 he was a general in The Stone Guard and in charge of the army and police force in the south east part of abaisgar.  

The uprooting of Coral Kiss

During his service an uprising occured in one of the ports under House Goldensand in the city Coral Strand. A shipment of Legendary weapons Forged by his father Agnar Forgehammer was stolen from its tranporting ship by a group of outlaws and disgruntled Members of House Goldensand. They breached themselves in the port town and threatned to execute civllians and nobles if any opposing forces were spotted. Balef infiltrated the town unarmed. while in the town square he challenged the leader of the uprising to a duel in which balef would be barehanded while his opponet weilds one of the legendary weapons. Balef won in seconds and liberated the port town.  

Head of Dunehaven

At age 86 he retired from the stone guard as a decorated general to take his rightful place as the head of Dunehaven, and to serve his house.


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