Barethel Item in Theras | World Anvil


This is a magical long sword; it seems to be made of silver, and when held by a Paladin, it glows with a bright light. The blade hums with divine power; to unlock its true power and name, a Paladin must pray over the blade for one hour.
During those prayers, the blade's origin and purpose Is revealed. The sword was forged by Bolumus, in preparation for his encounter with Munafik, a servant of Fortuna.
Munafik was the High Priest and Keeper of the Tomes of Terbakar, the capital of the Land of Bakar. When a curse fell on the Land of Bakar, and the waters of the Spring of Athis dried up, the people of Bakar faced a great famine, which Bolumus used to gain prominence and effective control, however, the Lady Fortuna, went against Bolumus, and as such he attempted to create this weapon with the blood of Munafik, which turned it into something he didn't mean to, as a change of his fates directly by the Deity.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Barethel provides a bonus of +3 to attack and damage.
If you carry Barethe/ and make a long rest, you become an albino. While hlding the sword, you are immune to Fear and Charm and you gain 50% immunity to Negative Energy damage and SR 50% to spells. When you hit a fiend or undead with it, that creature takes an extra 2d10 Holy damage.
You and all creatures friendly to you in 30 feet around you enjoy advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. As a swift action, suffer 2d4 points of damage; the next time you hit with the sword you deal and extra 4d6 psychic damage, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Roll ld6; on a result of 1-5 you can't use this power again until the next dawn.
As a swift action, suffer 2d4 points of damage; the nxt time you hit with the sword you deal and extra 4d6 psychic damage, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be blinded until the end of your next turn. Roll 1d6; on a result of 1-5 you can't use this power again until the next dawn.
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