Biblio Athanaton Item in Theras | World Anvil

Biblio Athanaton

The Biblio Athanaton, also known as the Liber De Inquieti, is an ancient artifact rumored to grant those who read it mastery over Undeath. It seems to hold power of its own, granting those who wield it immense powers even without reading it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The book is an encyclopedia of undeath, containing references to all types of undead and functioning like a spellbook containing every single necromancy spell; this presumably includes undead that were never documented and necromantic spells that were yet invented.   Bestowed by divine entities, once it is given it cannot be seperated from its owner unless the deity who gave it deems it is time to take it back. It functions similarly to a lich's phylactry for the Lord of Undeath who holds it, making them effectively indestructable. It cannot be stolen from them, and when one attempts to do so it will return to its rightful owner in a manner of days.   Additionally, it provides its wielder immeasurable power; their power is never drained while casting spells directly from the tome, and increases the number of undead they can control sevenfold. Regardless of its master's magical prowess, their effective power level is equal to the most powerful of wizards.


Stories of the Biblio Athanaton are sporadic, with most cultures either deeming it a myth or blasphemy. It was supposedly written ages ago, predating the Menedynn who mention it as being written by the Overdeity during the first murder. According to them, the only way to destroy the book is by letting Cain and Abel to hold it and tear it in half.
Item type
Unique Artifact
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