Dara Colcamin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Dara Colcamin

Lord Dara Colcamin (a.k.a. Dara the Deathless)

Lord Dara Colcamin was the youngest son of Lord Ultán Colcamin. He died in the Grausur Plague, and was the last member of House Colcamin; thus, his death signified the dissolution of his noble house. He currently rules over the lordship of Clochdor as the legitimate head of his house.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dara seems to be an unusually pale and gaunt man, though up close he is almost immediately identified as an undead. His pallor is sickly white, his skin is dessicated, and beneath his cheekbones are not only shadows, but pieces of gangrenous flesh. As he routinely applies make up to conceal those features, from afar they seem to be unusual but not as ghastly.

Special abilities

Dara possesses necromantic powers rivaled by few, if any. He exerts control over undead by his mere presence, and is able to call his powers both through arcane and divine magic. This power is further augmented by the Biblio Athanaton which he holds. Though he made efforts to not attract attention, word of his power made its way to Lond Ebon, and the nation attempts to recruit him as their ally, sending Sir Lurric Schildträger as an envoy.   When preparing his defenses for the imminent Siege of Clochdor Castle, he and his Court Druid Odhrán an Mairbh reanimated over 25,000 skeletons in an intense ritual; during the siege itself, Dara reanimated hundreds of Yokun soldiers every second, effectively gaining control over the entire Hematite Yotsereg.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As the youngest son, Dara was never destined to inherit his father and was never trained by his father in the manners of rulership. Instead, he was trained a clergyman of Agonis in the Clochdor cathedral under the priest Saerbhreathach O' Clochdor. During the Grausur Plague he aided the priest in healing the sick, and eventurally contracted the plague as well, which he eventually died from. When he rose from the dead, he studied history and statecraft under the Prince of Sabersycha and lords of House Lugaid, which historically were on friendly terms with house Colcamin. In undeath, he continued practicing as a cleric of Agonis in any temple that would accept him, eventually studying under Amlawdd Poyner in Panta's Temple of Agonis. In Recent years, he returned to his ancestral home in Clochdor Castle.


Social Aptitude

Due to his noble upringing under his father's guidance, Dara has a scholar-like curiousity, is well-mannered and generally good natured. He has a keen sense for diplomany as expected from a Sabersychan lord, and is adament on maintaining order and law within his lordship.


Dara Colcamin

Half Brother

Towards Nuchar Colcamin


Nuchar Colcamin

Half Sister

Towards Dara Colcamin


Currently Held Titles
871 AB 893 AB 22 years old
Nuchar Colcamin (Half Sister)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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