Blade of the Yokunhein Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Blade of the Yokunhein

Blade of the Yokunhein is an honorary title that is given to a soldier of the Yokun Empire following a killing blow they deliver in combat that is crucial to the army's victory in combat. The title follows an adjective that is somewhat descriptive of the circumstances of the blow: God King Biylhosten Ashnokovy was known as the Whistling Blade of the Yokunhein after distracting an enemy scout with a whistling arrow and immediately following with a regular arrow and killing him, thus allowing his army to flank the enemy forces; Chogeris Bukha was known as the Tiger Blade of the Yokunhein, after landing three successive horizontal strikes on an enemy commander.

Cultural Significance

Blades of the Yokunhein are somewhat revered in Yojeku societies. Though they aren't entitled to any benefits officially, it is common practice not to charge any payment from them in return for services provided, and they can easily find lodging in any building inside the Yokun empire's territory.
Civic, Honorific
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