Ebegei Chogeris Character in Theras | World Anvil

Ebegei Chogeris

Savaseperen Ebegei Chogeris, Falcon blade of the Yokunhein

Warleader Ebegei Chogeris is a Yokunhein commander stationed in the Pueblian Free Territory. She is known for acts of open hostility towards members of the Pueblian Mining Consortium, and is rumored to have never retreat or fall back; however, Ebegei did in fact fall back in several occasions, either when she was outmatched in combat or enacting a tactical retreat.

Physical Description

Body Features

Ebegei is relatively tall for a Human woman, standing 1.7 meters tall. She has broad shoulders, muscular arms, and an overall imposing posture. Her appearance is quite masculine, though it is clear to see that had she took another path in life she could have been considered to be beautiful rather than intimidating.

Facial Features

As a veteran of two campaigns, Ebegei suffered multipile injuries throughout the years. Her face is marked with three prominent scars that resulted from near lethal injuries: one from an axe on her forehead, one from an arrow between her eyebrows, and one from a mace on her right temple.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ebegei was born to a Yorgai family, her father serving under Biylhosten Ashnokovy when the former was still a general in The Iron Council. Being the youngest, with two older brothers, she lived a comfortable childhood in Sharakzizir; she spent most of her early years horseback riding, training her wilderness survival skills, and studying martial arts and history.   She joined the Yokun army at the age of 16 but showed little promise during her early years, failing to master melee combat; together with her masterful riding and tracking skills, she was assigned as a mounted scout.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ebegei is an accomplished commander which is highly appreciated by her superiors, be they direct (such as Bogen Khanibar) or indirect (such as God King Biylhosten Ashnokovy himself). She is renowned for her bravery and for her outstanding ability to capitalize on reconnaissance; coupled with her ability to perform unconventional maneuvers that utilize high mobility, deception, and versatility, she is solely credited for the current prestige of the scout units of the Yokun army.

Falcon Blade of the Yokunhein

During the siege of Eallard Stronghold, her commander Bogen Khanibar lured Gowyr Neg Carodan, who commanded the Peraserasian forces, outside the stronghold; this was achieved by intentionally deploying soldiers within range of the defenders, effectively sacrificing several hundreds of lives. Bogen then issued a retreat, prompting Gowyr to lead a charge outside the stronghold's gate; a small force lead by Ebegei managed to charge into the fray from behind, almost unnoticed. When spotted, Ebegei's horse was killed, flinging her forward. Using this momentum to hit Gowyr and decapitate him with a single blow, she caused panic among his ranks and completely throw them into disarray. This earned her the title of Falcon Blade of the Yokunhein, and prompted Eurolwyn Neg Rhoderick to surrender, virtually winning the war with a single blow.



Ebegei suffers from noticeable speech impediments following severe cranial trauma she recieved in 1044 and 1047. Her ability to use words was damaged, causing frequent pauses in her speech; while initially there was concern that said impediments could be detrimental, she has developed a set of single syllable shouts and cries that her soldiers had to memorize. This method proved effective in combat, motivating other commanders to implement their own sets of shouts; this became so prevelant that the term Eboris was coined to describe such shouts, and learning standard eboris is a part of basic training in the Yokun military since 1049.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1022 AB 29 Years old
Aligned Organization


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