God King Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

God King

God King, or Aheragaher in Yojetei, is the title given to the ruling monarch of the Yokun Empire. The term itself is a literal translation, with the word "god" in Yojetei being often used as an adjective to describe something superior. A more apt translation would be "High King" or "King of Kings".   Traditionally, the full title of the god king is added to following each conquest or achievement. As of 1051, the full title is as follows:
Protector of Lustiris, Monarch of Peraserasia, Master of the Steppes, Lord of the Yojeku, God King
The most recent addition to the name is "Monarch of Peraserasia". Peraserasia is a diarchy in Grausur and as such is always ruled by two people; following Eurolwyn Neg Arodol's concession to the Yokunhein, Biylhostan added the title to his name in the same style as the title of "Protector of Lustiris". The title also serves as a reminder that while Peraserasia gets to remain a diarchy, their subservience to the empire and its monarch is absolute.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Their Majesty
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