Yojeku Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Yojeku is an umbrella term for the denizens of the Yokun Empire. The empire is comprised of several major ethnicities, all of whom fall under the term "Yojeku":
  1. The Yorgai - The upper class of the empire, the ethnicity from which the empire emerged.
  2. The Estuan - Denizens of the former Lustirian Kingdom, which surrendered to the Yokunhein and retained autonomy. Estuan people also inhabit the Grieselandic League and the Theocracy of Ciambavign; they are a distinct ethnic group with a considerable presence in the empire.
  3. The Yojetai - Non-Yorgai citizens of the empire, sympathizers, or those who mimic their culture. Not to be confused with Yojetei, the language spoken by the Yorgai and the official language of the empire.
  4. The Rgai-Quessiri - Former deniznes of the elven demesnes destroyed during the First Lustijian Expansion. They comprise a unique and seperate caste within Yojeku society, a strange mix between slaves and nobility.
  5. The Brari - Denizens of the Diarchy of Peraserasia, which lost in a series of battles against the empire and surrendered after losing the battle of Eallard Stronghold.

Yojeku Number System

Yojeku numerals, from 0 to 11.
The Yojeku use a base 12 number system rather than base 10.

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