Bogen Khanibar Character in Theras | World Anvil

Bogen Khanibar

Tseregaher Bogen Jajiradai, Khanibar

Bogen Khanibar is the Yokunhein warlord that oversees the empire's operation in the Pueblian Free Territory, commanding the Silk Yotsereg, which is a part of the Emerald Yotsereg and subservient to its General under the God King, Zhebaghi Kopjakhan.   Though Ebegei Chogeris is revered as the hero of the battle in Eallard Stronghold, among the military elite of the Yokun empire, he is accredited with the ingenious maneuver that won the day, and the entire war against the Diarchy of Peraserasia.
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Year of Birth
1008 AB 43 Years old
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