Cedelia Character in Theras | World Anvil

Cedelia (Ce-DEL-ia)

Cedelia is a minor goddess in the whole aspect of the gods. She is the ever servant of Ehlonna and Silvanus and tying their work together.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Cedelia's influence transcends moral alignments, attracting a wide range of followers from all good and neutral dispositions. Many forest creatures revere her as a patron, weaving her praise into their songs and rituals. However, her dedicated clergy remains relatively small. This close-knit group primarily consists of humans, elves, half-elves, halflings, and the rare korred who feels the call of revelry and nature's bounty.  
Clerics and druids of Cedelia pray for their spells when the moon is at its highest since it governs the reproductive cycle.

Tenets of Faith

Cedelia's clergy champions life and they follow a dogma that many druids follow as:
  • Nurture all life, especially new beginnings, wherever your path may lead. Procreation and growth are the sacred engines that drive the natural world.
  • Accept the cycle of life and death. Though death may come, it is but a transition within the grand dance of nature. Embrace both the joy of birth and the peace of passing.
  • The forest's embrace extends beyond its boughs. Protect and nurture not only the creatures of the wild, but also deserving humans and demi-humans who walk in harmony with nature.
  • Be a tireless guardian, traveling far and wide to answer nature's call. Tend to the wounded, cultivate the barren, and influence the elements to maintain balance.
  • Keep a watchful eye on those who enter the Green Forest, especially the lost and unaware. Offer silent aid, ensuring their safe passage through nature's domain.
  • Cedelia's followers mark the changing seasons with vibrant festivals that embody the spirit of her domain.


The holy days of her faithful are those that are usually that mark the passing of seasons or the apex of them;
Blooming of the Wildwood
This joyous celebration marks the arrival of spring, a time of rebirth and flourishing life. The clergy invites all friendly creatures to a vibrant revelry filled with music, dance, and a bountiful feast. Weddings are not only permitted but actively encouraged on this day, as the air thrums with the magic of fertility and new beginnings.
Harvest of the Sun's Bounty
As summer wanes and the harvest ripens, Cedelia's faithful gather for a celebration of abundance in the beginning of Autumn. The clergy expresses gratitude for nature's gifts through a joyous festival overflowing with food, drink, and merriment. This is another popular day for weddings, as couples seek Cedelia's blessings on their union.
Whispers of the Summer Wind
During Midsummer's Eve in the night, while bathed in the warm glow of the summer solstice, the clergy remarks it as a time for joyous revelry under the starry sky. Fairie magic and romantic enchantments dance in the air, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. Even non-believers often choose this night for their weddings, hoping to capture a touch of Cedelia's magic.
Feast of the Two Moons
This celebration coincides with the appearance of two moons in the night sky, during midwinter. It is a night of storytelling, shared dreams, and reaffirming the bonds of community under the celestial spectacle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cedelia's most common guise is that of a breathtakingly beautiful korred woman. Her height fluctuates between 5 and 7 feet depending on her whims, and her long blonde hair, devoid of the typical korred beard, is adorned with garlands of oak leaves and golden acorns. A diaphanous, flowing tunic drapes around her, secured by a simple belt. Her voice, a low and throaty rumble, contrasts with her stunning visage. All who lay eyes upon her, regardless of gender, are momentarily struck speechless by her divine beauty.    
Lady of the Woods
In this ethereal form, Cedelia appears as a misty apparition of a woman cloaked in a flowing green gown. This spectral manifestation embodies the essence of the forest itself.    


Cedelia readily assumes various animal shapes, each a pinnacle of its species. A favorite form is that of a magnificent doe, often surrounded by a retinue of bucks. These stags neither challenge each other for her affection nor court her directly, existing solely at her will.   In addition, Cedelia's power extends beyond physical forms. She can manifest as swirling motes of light, shimmering with verdant faerie fire. This warm, comforting radiance possesses healing properties and alleviates pregnancy-related discomfort and complications. In the heart of forest clearings where korreds gather for their dances, Cedelia might appear as a shower of 2 to 20 acorns. These magical nuts, when consumed within 24 hours by someone capable of conception, triple their chances of successful pregnancy. However, the acorns remain perfectly edible even after this timeframe.

Special abilities

Cedelia is incredibly quick and her strikes with her open palm (her usual method of attack) not only damages her foe but inflicts them with Otto's irresistible dance for somewhere between 4-10 minutes. Besides stunning those who glimpses upon her, her beauty was so great that all sentient mortals have to resist being transfixed upon her and subsequently charmed (with elves and half-elves resisting the effect as normal). She is capable of casting spells of any school or divine dominion, yet focused on those related to charming, healing, creation, or plants and animals, or spells of abjuration, conjuration, and transmutation. Her "Lady of the Woods" aspect had access to spells of the all, animal, elemental, healing, plant, and weather spheres, as well as minor access to the divination sphere.   Cedelia has enhanced versions of all druidic abilities, including resistance to fire and electricity, the power to perfectly identify plants, animals, and pure sources of water, and pass through normally impenetrable overgrowth normally and without leaving a trail. She knows the tongue of all woodland creatures and moreover can make herself understood by a mixed group in their native tongues simultaneously. She can turn into any natural animal at will as often as she wants (recovering from somewhere between a small fraction and the totality of the injuries she sustained beforehand), is immune to all magic cast by forest creatures, and no forest creature, normal or otherwise, would harm her, furiously fighting in her defense if they see or hear her being harmed until the assailants flee or die or otherwise interposing themselves between any attack aimed at her.

Specialized Equipment

Cedelia uses a gnarled, phandar wood staff of the woodlands as a walking stick, and on rare occasion uses it in combat. A large pouch hung from her belt that acts as a sort of divine bag of holding from which she can pull out any normal item smaller than 3 feet in diameter that isn't a weapon or piece of armor. Often, she uses it to provide her faithful with pre-mixed healing herbs for poultices or teas, though she can also pull out any size-appropriate spell component she desires to give out.   Cedelia is known to bestow acorns of desire upon her favored followers by having them fall from the sky and land at the feet of the chosen recipient. By closing their fist and concentrating, the intended subject's request is fulfilled as close to how they wanted as possible within the bounds of a limited wish (and sometimes even wish) effect of the acorn before it vanishes, leaving a permanent, gold-hued tattoo in an acorn's shape on the user's palm.

Personality Characteristics


Cedelia is a charming, carefree, and giddy goddess who delights in dancing and frolicking amidst the trees, playing with the creatures of the woods when not seeing to their needs. Contrastingly, she is also remarkably unabashed, at times behaving like the satyrs her patron people resembled; for example, while she enjoys making clever retorts when in conversation, such rejoinders were often crudely suggestive. At the same time, she has a more mysterious aspect to her, possessing hidden depths of characters incomprehensible to creatures as forthright as satyrs. Often these unexpressed qualities are related to the protection of children.   Cedelia not only rejoices in life, but also protects against death, remaining fiercely protective of those under her care. However, she is also a fairly passive goddess, staying out of matters that don't directly concern her, such as those outside her sphere of influence, unless ordered otherwise by Ehlonna or Silvanus. Though neutral good in alignment, she iis known (at least under her Lady of the Woods alias) to allow the occasional wicked being to wander into her woods. She is also known to allow periodic visits, but any permanent occupation by creatures good or evil, especially intelligent ones, are not allowed. She would prefer mortals deal with each other, and would rather use environmental conditions, summoned creatures or earthly agents than directly confront offenders.


Contacts & Relations

Cedelia is a loyal companion and servant of the Silvanus and Ehlonna. These deities, along with others who embody the natural world, share a close and supportive bond, akin to a family.   Cedelia acts as the Ehlonna's midwife, ensuring the safe arrival of new life within the mortal realm. She also serves as the Queen's local agent, working closely with Anath   Her allies extend beyond family. She enjoys a strong kinship with Thea, Soryna and several other deities who represent various aspects of balance and nature.   Naturally, Cedelia's enemies include those who threaten the natural world. She despises Ella'li and Menas.
Dancer in the Glades;
The Lady of the Woods;
The Dancing Goddess;
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
The Green Forest of the Það Endruvu, woodland glades, woodland fertility, growth, korreds, Lindir, Druids
Animal, Charm (None), Good (Agathion), Plant
Golden acorn
Druids, farmers, foresters, gardeners, nuptial couples, Lindir
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Forest's Friend (quarterstaff)
Holy Days
Blooming of the Wildwoold, Harvest of the Sun's Bounty, Whispers of the Summer Wind, Feast of the Two Moon


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